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基于ISO20000的口岸物流企业的IT服务实施 ?? 摘要 近年来,随着口岸物流信息化建设速度的迅猛发展,为巩固信息化建设成果,满足业务持续发展的要求,国务院对电子口岸发展“十二五”规划也提出了更高要求,作为宁波口岸综合物流信息平台的运营单位,使得IT服务管理的需求更加迫切。但在目前阶段还没有建立完善的IT服务管理体制,IT服务人员常扮演着“救火队员”角色,重技术,轻服务的现象还普遍存在,也没有量化的IT服务考核指标,导致客户满意度也不高。 本文以某单位IT服务管理为案例,根据单位目前IT服务现状及存在的实际问题入手,结合前人理论研究和本人案例研究,构建了IT服务管理的整合模型作为解决方案。并详细介绍了整个ISO20000思想导入和认证的实施过程,以及通过呼叫中心,监控中心和ITSM管理工具来高效地进行IT服务管理。 通过上述解决方案将人员、流程和技术进行完美结合,能从源头解决目前单位在IT服务中出现的问题,IT服务人员从原来的“救火队员”角色中彻底解脱出来。同时规范了流程,使IT服务有章法;事件有人跟踪,用户满意度提高;提升主动服务能力;量化了考核指标。 总体而言,本文的主要创新点在于将理论与实践高度结合,在前人理论研究和本人案例研究的基础上构建了IT服务管理的整合模型,将其应用于某单位IT服务管理项目中效果显著。 关键词:IT服务,ITIL,ISO20000 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of port logistics information system construction speed, to strengthen information construction achievements, to meet the business requirements of sustainable development, the State Council on the electronic port development 1025 planning is also put forward higher requirements, as Ningbo port integrated logistics information platform, operating unit, the IT service management needs more urgent. But it is in a stage of rapid development, there is no established IT service management system, IT service personnel often play fireman role, heavy technology, light service phenomenon is also widespread, no IT service evaluation index quantification, resulting in customer satisfaction is not high. In this paper, a unit of IT service management as a case, according to the current status of the IT service unit and the actual problems of previous studies, combined with the theory and case study, constructs the integration model of IT service management solution. And the process of implementation of ISO20000 import and certification are introduced in detail, and through the call center, the monitoring center and the ITSM management tools to efficiently for IT service management. Through the above solution, personnel, processes, and technology perfect combination, can from the source to solve the problems arising from the IT serv


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