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本科毕业论文(设计) 题目: 榆社县老年体育健身现状 的调查与分析 学院: 体育学院 班级: 08级体育教育五班 姓名: 赵丽 指导教师: 兰丽霞 职称: 讲师 完成日期: 2012 年 4 月 16 日 榆社县老年体育健身现状的调查与分析 摘 要:通过对榆社县老年人体育健身人数,年龄结构,职业背景,性别比例,每周运动时间,运动强度,体育健身项目种类及欢迎程度等情况的调查与分析,掌握榆社县老年人体育健身基本情况、特点、发展趋势,对发展大众健身体育事业的决策提供支持依据。随着社会的进步,人口的平均寿命在不断的延长,老年人在社会人口总数所占的比例也越来越高。人口老龄化问题也日益严重,老年人的健康及生活状况如何也越来越受到人们的关注,体育健身则是改善老年人健康及生活状况的最有效手段.同时,老年体育也是我国大众体育的重要组成部分,它关系到老年人的身心健康和幸福的老年生活,为创建稳定的和谐社会奠定基础。本文就榆社县老年人的健身状况进行调查研究,以期为榆社县的老年人健身工作作出参考,同时也为更好促进老年健身事业的发展作出贡献。关键词: 榆社县; 老年体育健身; 现状; 因素; 对策 Yushe County Elderly Exercises Survey and Analysis Abstract: Yushe County elderly the number of physical fitness, age structure and occupational background, sex ratio, exercise time per week, exercise intensity. Sports fitness types of projects and welcome to the extent of the investigation and analysis, master Yushe County elderly fitness, characteristics, trends, and provide support in accordance with the decision-making for the development of mass sports and fitness career. As society advances, the average life expectancy of the population continue to extend the increasingly high proportion of the elderly in the total number of socio-demographic. Also increasingly serious problem of aging population, health and living conditions of the elderly more and more attentions, sports, fitness is the most effective means to improve the health of the elderly and living conditions, at the same time, older sports is also our public sports an important part of it is related to the physical and mental health of the elderly and happy old age, to lay the foundation for a harmonious society to create stability. Yushe County elderly health status research, elderly fitness work Yushe County in order to make the reference, but also to contribute to better promote the development of elderly fitness industry. Keywords: Yushe County; Elderly Exercises; status quo; factors; countermeasures 目 录 1. 前言 1 2.



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