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16 6 V o.l 16, No. 6 2007 12 JOURNA L OF NATURAL D ISA STER S Dec. 2007 : 1004- 4574 ( 2007 06- 0031- 05 1 2 1 1 侯 琼 , 乌兰巴特尔, 宋学峰, 张秀峰 ( 1. , 0 1005 1; 2. , 0 1005 1 : , , , ; 125 G IS, , , , , : ; ; G IS; : S162. 3 : A C lim atic resources zon ing and disaster reduction in typ ical agro-pastoral tran sitional area: a case study on B alin zuo Banner of Ch ifeng C ity, Inner M ongolia 1 2 1 1 HOU Q iong , WU lanbater , SONG X ue-feng , ZHANG X iu-feng ( 1Inner M ongolia In stitu te ofM eteorological Science , H uhhot 0 1005 1, C hina; 2InnerM ongol ia Zoology and A gro-m eteorological C en ter, H uhh ot 01005 1, C h ina Abs tract: By investigat ing and ana lyz ing ag ricultural clmi ate resources and product ion situation in Ba linzuo Banner and u sing som e m ethods such as corre lation analysis, regression ana lysis, th is paper estab lished the spat ia l distribu- t ion m ode l o f c lmi atic factors and correlation m ode l of y ie ld w ith m ain m eteo ro log ical e lem ents, then determ ined the zon ing index of mi portant effect on product ion d istr ibution of agro-pasture. Furtherm ore, the paper zoned agricu ltur- al c lmi ate resources based on 1250, 000 geographic info rm ation data and G IS techno logy, verif ied it by app ly ing the clu ster ana lysis and put forw ard the counterm easures against disasters. It w ill g ive a re feren


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