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19 6 V o.l 19 N o. 6 2010 12 JOU RNAL O F NATU RA L D ISA STER S D ec. 2010 : 1004 - 4574 ( 20 10) 06- 0001- 07 1 2 1 范一大 史培军 刘三超 ( 1. 100053; 2. 100875 ) : NOAA /AVHRR NDV I 1983 - 2000 13 : 1983- 2000 18 20 80 ; 20 90 : ; ; : S4 24 : A R elationsh ip b etw een dust storm disaster and vegetation fraction in northern Ch ina 1 2 1 FAN Y -i da SH I P ei-jun L IU San- chao ( 1. N at ion al D isaster R edu ct ion Cen ter of Ch ina D isaster R eduction C enter of Satellite A ppl icat ion State K ey L aboratory of D isaster R edu ct ion and Em ergency Eng ineering M CA Beijing 100053 C hina; 2. College of R esource Science and T echnology B eijing N orm al U n iv ersity Beijing 100875 Ch ina) Abs tract: Du st storm is one mi portant kind of natural d isaster in northern China. Th is art icle u sed NOAA /AVHRR data and NDV I t mi e series produ cts to calcu late vegetation fraction in 13 prov inces mun icip alit ies and autonom ou s reg ion s in northern China from 1983 to 2000. T hen the spat ia l and tem poral ch ange tendency of vegetation w as ana- lyzed. The resu lts show th at dust storm frequency has a good relation sh ip w ith vegetat ion fraction. In the 1980 s the vegetation fraction w as increased in the m ost area o f northern China and the frequency of dust storm disastersw as de- creased in the northern Ch ina on the who le. In the


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