电动车二轮转向控制研究 毕业论文.doc

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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目 电动车二轮转向控制研究 系 别:电子信息工程系 专 业:电子信息工程(汽车电子方向) 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导老师: 摘要 电动车相比于传统的燃油发动机,有很多的优势,扭矩特性好,安静,是未来汽车动力的一个很好的选择。电动车结构容易设计,但是单个的电机功率有限,因此电动车一般使用多个轮边电机共同驱动车轮,产生了了电动差速转向的问题,本课题就是研究这个问题的,通过总线技术,由单片机控制电机来达到转向的目的。 本次毕业设计的主要内容是用单片机为核心的控制元件,与SJA1000,TJA 1050等模块组成核心主控制模块设计电动车二轮转向系统,利用CAN 总线技术,使各个单片机之间通信,相互交换数据,经过主机分析和判断之后再发送相应的指令给两个从机,从机接到指令后执行相关的指令,通过电动机驱动模块控制两个电机差速,以达到代替现有机械系统转向的目的。本设计中,采集的信号是车辆的转向信号,由三个红外光电传感器探测黑线作为转向信号,由CAN总线负责各个单片机之间的通信,CAN总线系统由SJA1000和TJA1050组成。本系统运行稳定,电路简单,具备简单的CAN通信和单片机控制功能,控制系统可靠,可以灵活应用,具有一定的使用价值。 关键词:单片机 ; 总线网桥转换 ; 电机控制;二轮转向 Abstract Electric vehicles compared to conventional fuel engines have many advantages, the torque characteristics of a good, quiet, is a good choice of vehicle power. Easy to design the structure of the electric car, but a single motor power, electric cars are generally more side-wheel motor drive the wheels together to produce electric differential steering, this project is to study this problem, by bus technology by microcontroller to control the motor to achieve the purpose of steering. The main content of this graduation design with MCU as the core control device, and the SJA1000, TJA 1050 and other modules to the core of the main control module designed electric car two steering systems, the use of CAN bus technology, so that each single-chip communication between the exchange of data, analysis and judgment by the host after sending appropriate instructions to the two machines, and related instructions from the machine after receiving the command, the differential control two motors through the motor driver module to replace the existing mechanical systems turn purpose. In this design, the collected signal to the vehicle's turn signal, and three infrared photoelectric sensor to detect the black line as the turn signal, responsible for communication between each device, the CAN bus, CAN bus system from the SJA1000 and TJA1050. The system is


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