电光源跟踪系统 毕业论文.doc

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电光源跟踪系统 目录 摘 要……………………………………………………………… 引言………………………………………………… 系统方案设计…………………………………………… 2.1 主控芯片……………………………………………………… 2.2 LED驱动电路…………………………………………………… 2.3传感器的选择………………………………………………… 2.4 电机的选择…………………………………………………… 2.5点电源的供电方案………………………………………… 2.6总方案的确定……………………………………………… 理论分析及计算……………………………………… 3.1点光源特性分析……………………………… 3.2传感器分布分析与计算………………………… 3.3光照度分析…………………………………… 体统单元电路设计……………………………………… 程序设计流程…………………………………………… 测试方案与结果…………………………………… 6.1测试方法与过程……………………………… 6.2测试仪器及材料……………………………… 6.3测试结果及拓展部分………………………… 设计总结………………………………………………… 致谢…………………………………………………… 参考文献……………………………………………… 实物图…………………………………………………… 摘要:本文设计是一个点光源跟踪系统,主要有光照传感的照度检测和处理,控制器分析与处理,执行机构和模块显示这几个部分结构。整个系统是以LM38S811为控制核心,通过四个可见光照度传感器来检测光照,依据光照的变化、大小来判断出点光源的位置与运动趋势,并将点光源运动分解为水平和竖直方向的二维运动,借以来控制水平电机与竖直电机的旋转角度,当水平方向上的两传感器的中间的激光笔将精确的指向点光源。除基本要求满足外,本系统设计了一些拓展环节:在点光源正对及电机运动幅度允许的条件下,激光笔可跟踪任意方向移动的点光源,也可换速度档位,达到迅速调节的目的。 关键字:点光源定位 寻迹 二维运动分析 直流减速电机控制 LM3S811 Abstract:What this article designs is a point source tracking system, mainly consist of the illumination sensor's degree of illumination examination and processing, the controller analysis and processing, the implementing agency movement and the module demonstrates. This system takes the LM3S811 as the control core., examines the illumination through four obvious illuminance sensors .It is based on the illuminance change and the size to estimate the position of the point source and the movement tendency, and decomposes the point source movement into the level and the vertical direction, in order to control level motor and vertical motor's rotation degrees. When two sensor's survey values in horizontal direction's are relatively close and so is in vertical direction, the light pen which lies in the middle of vertical sensor will point at the point source precisly. Besides the essential requirements, this system design some development link: In the condition of the point source and the motor movement range permission, the light pen can trace the point source that the random or



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