
电脉冲熔体处理与固溶时效工艺对硅黄铜最终组织的影响 毕业论文.doc

电脉冲熔体处理与固溶时效工艺对硅黄铜最终组织的影响 毕业论文.doc

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摘 要 铅黄铜是一种应用广泛的合金,但是由于铅具有很大的危害作用,因此要制造无污染的新型黄铜。研究表明硅元素可以有效代替铅元素,但其切削性能的改善尚需进一步研究。 本文通过频率硬度,扫描电镜对不同下试样进行,γ相的形态、尺寸和分布的影响。 结果,材料γ相得到了细化,分布均匀,显微硬度呈波动性变化。本实验结果对电脉冲处理技术与固溶时效处理技术改善硅黄铜切削性具有一定意义。 关键词:Abstract Lead brass is a widely used alloy, but since lead has a great harm, thus to create pollution-free new brass. Research shows that silicon can effectively replace the lead element, but its cutting performance improvement still need further research. This paper adopts the electric pulse melt treatment technology applied in silicon brass material, by changing the pulse voltage and pulse frequency. After solid solution and aging treatment, analysis after solid solution and aging treatment on morphology, size and distribution; and comparing different parameters the average strength of the substrate, a preliminary analysis of solid solution and aging and electrical pulses to the silicon brass mechanism. And the use of scanning electron microscopy, with different parameters of different samples were detected, solid solution and aging treatment parameters have certain effects on the silicon brass γ phase structure, morphology, size and distribution. The results show that, the electric pulse treatment on Microstructure and properties of silicon brass material has certain effect. Electric pulse melt treatment accelerated the silicon brass aging process, aging and shorten the time of 2h. After solid solution and aging treatment of γ phase got refining, distribution, micro hardness fluctuation. The experimental results of electrical pulse technology and solid solution and aging treatment technology for improving silicon brass cutting has a certain significance. Keywords: Silicon brass; Electric Pulse Modification; Solid solution and aging treatment; Micro hardness; Grain refinement 目 录 摘 要 I 目 录 III 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究背景及国内外研究现状 1 1.1.1课题研究背景 1 1.1.2国内外研究现状 2 1.2 黄铜材料的发展历史及其工作特点 4 1.2.1黄铜材料的发展历史 4 1.2.2黄铜合金材料的成分、优缺点和工作特点 4 1.3 电脉冲处理技术概述 7 1.3.1电脉冲处理技术的研究进展 7 1.3.2脉冲处理技术的作用机理 7 1.3



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