
东联公司供电系统设计 毕业论文.doc

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东联公司供电系统设计 摘要 东联公司全厂总配电所及配电系统设计是对工厂供电具有针对性的设计。设计对工厂供电方式、主要设备的选择、保护装置的配置及防雷接地系统进行了详细的叙述,内容主要包括高压侧和低压侧的短路计算,设备选择及校验,主要设备继电保护设计,配电装置设计,防雷和接地设计等。本设计考虑了所有用电设备并对这些负荷进行了计算。通过计算出的有功、无功和视在功率选择变压器的大小和相应主要设备的技术参数,再根据用户对电压的要求,计算电容器补偿装置的容量,从而得出所需电容器的大小。根据与供电部门的协议,决定总配变电所及配电系统的主接线图。电气主接线对电气设备的选择,配电所的布置,运行的可靠性和灵活性,操作和检修的安全以及今后的扩建,对电力工程建设和运行的经济节约等,都由很大的影响。本设计在主要设备的继电保护设计和整定计算中,对电力变压器、真空断路器等主要设备的保护配置提出了要求,明确了保护定值计算方法。 关键词:配电系统;变压器;负荷;继电保护 Abstract The design of power distribution system for DONG LIAN FACTORY is connected with the power supply of the factory.The design describes the factory power supply pattern,selection and disposition of protector of major equipments,which includes the short circuit calculations of high-handed side and 10W pressure side、the equipment selection and test,and the designs of the continue electric protection of the major equipments,the continue electric protection equipments,and the guards against that thunder and ground connection.This design has considered all electricity equipments in the factory and calculated the loads of the equipments.The transformer and the technique parameters of relative equipment were selected by mains of the calculations of active-non-active-and visual-power.According to the demand of user to voltage,the magnitude of the capacitor was obtained by calculating the capacity of condenser compensation of the device.According to the agreement with the power supply department,the main wiring diagram of transformersubstation and distribution system is always joined in marriage in the decision.The main electric line is very important for the selection of electrical equipment,the arrangement of power distribution system,the reliability and the flexibility of operating fixing up of distribution,the extension of the factory,and the economy to the power engineering building wim runs.This design is in the electric protection the continuing design and whole fixed calculation of major equipment,and the protection to power transfo


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