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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This will be the last page of Year 1. There will not be any “next” icon here. You may add images, sound or video clips by using the Insert command in the menu bar (For help, refer to last slide) 内容提问-第三段 1)你认为这句话应该用怎样的语气来朗读? 上一页 有的同学动作太慢,结果我来不及洗澡,只好抹了把脸,就跑去吃饭。 埋怨 12)宿舍 sX shS This will be the last page of Year 1. There will not be any “next” icon here. You may add images, sound or video clips by using the Insert command in the menu bar (For help, refer to last slide) 内容提问-第四段 1)通过上下文推断出 “不管三二十一”的意思。 上一页 13)不管三七二十一 bX guCn sAn qF Sr shG yF This will be the last page of Year 1. There will not be any “next” icon here. You may add images, sound or video clips by using the Insert command in the menu bar (For help, refer to last slide) 内容提问-第四段 1)你认为这句话应该用怎样的语速来朗读? 上一页 但我的肚子已经饿得咕噜咕噜叫了。于是,我不管三七二十一,把饭菜全都吃了下去。 加快 14)排骨 pBi gW rib 15)顿 dXn 16)拖 tUo drag 17)疲倦 pG juDn 18)充实 chKng shG 充分: 足够,多用于抽象事物。 如:考试复习得很充分。 This will be the last page of Year 1. There will not be any “next” icon here. You may add images, sound or video clips by using the Insert command in the menu bar (For help, refer to last slide) 内容提问-第五段 1)作者对这次露营的感受是怎样的?为什么? 上一页 他觉得这次的露营生活过得非常充实。 This will be the last page of Year 1. There will not be any “next” icon here. You may add images, sound or video clips by using the Insert command in the menu bar (For help, refer to last slide) 总结: 1)课文围绕“露营”写了那几件事情? 上一页 “两人三脚”竞走比赛 洗澡 吃饭 This will be the last page of Year 1. There will not be any “next” icon here. You may add images, sound or video clips by using the Insert command in the menu bar (For help, refer to last slide) 总结: 露营生活有苦有乐,让作者充分地体会到独立的生活。因此,露营生活虽然让作者感到疲倦,但是令他学到了很多东西,得到了丰富的生活体验,心里觉得十分充实。 上一页 其他习写字 比赛 bH sDi 抬 tBi 紧 jHn 分钟 fPn zhKng 饭盒 fDn hQ 结束 jiQ shX * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 第五课 《露营记》 同学们, 什么是 “露营”? 露营 lX yGng Type the Introduction in the text box on the left. This will be the 1st page of the introduction. There wil


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