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世界上最昂贵的衣服到底有多贵? A Scottish clothing company is producing the world‘s most expensive cloth. This company has put together the “most expensive cloth in the world” costing about 3,000-a-yard。 苏格兰一家制衣厂生产出世界上最昂贵的衣服。这家制衣厂生产出世界上最昂贵的西服面料,一码面料价值3,000英镑。 Peebles-based Holland and Sherry has taken five years to gather the yarn and another 18 months to develop the cloth。The material comes from the wool of the vicuna which inhabits the high alpine reaches of the Andes. It produces only small amounts of very fine wool。 皮布尔斯郡这家名为Holland and Sherry的厂家花了五年的时间收集绒毛,然后又花了18个月的时间将纱线纺织成布料。这种绒毛来自生活在南美安第斯山脉的小羊驼。这种小动物每年只能产出非常少量的绒毛。 The Scots firm has confirmed it is to make only 18 of the suits. Customers have a choice of just three colours--black, midnight and natural。Marketing manager Ross Greenshields said: “There are other vicuna fabrics on the market, but we have woven the world‘s first 100% worsted spun vicuna fabric。 苏格兰的制衣厂现已织成的面料只够制作18件西服,可供顾客选择的颜色仅有黑色、深蓝和原色三种颜色。市场经理罗斯·格林西尔斯表示,目前市场上也有其他的小羊驼面料,但是我们制成了世界上第一件100%小羊驼绒毛的衣服。 “It is unique, it is original, it is exclusive and it is the most expensive cloth in the world.” He said the company believed it had taken the fabric to the “next level”。 “它是独一无二的,它是最原始的,它是无与伦比的,它是世界上最贵的衣服。”格林西尔斯表示他们确信新衣的问世将小羊驼面料的质量提升到了新的层次。 Even if youre not in the business, you could tell the difference--it really is a stand-out fabric.“One of the first to place an order for a 35,000 suit is the mega-rich King of Morocco。 “即便是行外人士, 你也能一眼看出它的与众不同,它实在是出类拔萃。”超级富翁摩洛哥国王成为了3.5万英镑一件西服的首批订购者之一。  * *


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