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20 2 V o.l 20 N o. 2 2011 4 JOU RNAL O F NATU RA L D ISA STER S A pr. 2011 : 1004 - 4574 ( 20 11) 02 - 0050 - 06 宋之杰 苑海华 ( 066004) : : ; ; ; ; : P315. 9 : A Study on group scale of earthquake em ergency volunteers based on simulation pinciple SONG Zh ijie YUAN H aihua ( E conom y and M anagem en t School Y anshan U n ivers ity Q inhuangdao 066004 Ch ina) Abstract: Ch ina is a coun try w ith frequent earthqu ake but w ithout strong h and ling cap acity. W enchuan earthquake exposed insufficiency o f professional earthquake em ergency rescu e capac ity in China. W e shou ld learn experiences from deve loped countries to bu ild an em ergency vo lunteer team s to ra ise Ch ina s earthqu ake em ergency respon se ca pab ilities. Th is p aper is a qua litat ive research based on the smi ulat ion principle and comb ined w ith the m ethod to determ ine the sca le in hum an resources. W e calcu lated the num ber of co llege vo lunteers as an exam p le a fter setting up the earthquake em ergency rescu e system smi ulation m odel. So the m ethod presen ted in th is p aper w ill not only he lp to enrich the volunteer m anagem ent theory but also mi plem ent an effect ive use of social resources it w ill mi prove the earthqu ake em ergency rescu e capab ilities o f Ch ina and h as a reference sign ificance both in theore tica l and practica l resp ects. K ey words: smi ulation; earthqu ake; em ergency m anagem ent; vo lun teers; scale 19007 35% 20 50% 27% [


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