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摘要 自有人类文明以来,物料搬运便成了人类活动的重要组成部分,距今已有五千多年的发展历史。随着生产规模的扩大,自动化程度的提高,作为物料搬运重要设备的起重机在现代化生产过程中应用越来越广,作用愈来愈大。起重机根据结构的不同分为梁式型起重机、悬臂起重机、门式起重机。其中梁式起重机又可分为梁式起重机和桥式起重机。 桥式起重机是横架于车间、仓库和料场上空进行物料吊运的起重设备。由于它的两端坐落在高大的水泥柱或者金属支架上,形状似桥,所以叫桥式起重机。桥式起重机的特点是可以使挂在吊钩或其他取物装置上的重物在空间实现垂直升降或水平运移。它是使用范围最广、数量最多的一种。普通桥式起重机一般由起重小车、桥架运行机构、桥架金属结构组成。起重小车又由起升机构、小车运行机构和小车架三部分组成。本设计主要完成起升机构部分的设计,在查阅了大量文献和相关知识的同时,掌握了大量的有关桥式起重机的知识后,模仿其他桥式起重机的起升机构而设计的。 起升机构包括电动机、制动器、减速器、卷筒和滑轮组。电动机通过减速器,带动卷筒转动,使钢丝绳绕上卷筒或从卷筒放下,以升降重物。本设计主要是进行传动方案的设计,机构的选择,以及通过计算选择钢丝绳、卷筒、电动机、减速器等。通过社会调查和技术经济性分析,本设计具有一定得实际应用价值和市场潜能,可进行制造并投放市场。 关键词:起重机 桥式起重机 起升机构 电动机 钢丝绳 Abstract Since the dawn of civilization, material handling becomes an important part of human activity, it has five thousand years of development history. With the enlarging of the production scale, automation degree rise, as material handling important equipment in modern production process crane used more and more widely, effect of getting old. According to the different cent crane beam structure type crane, cantilever crane, door crane. One beam cranes and can be divided into beam crane and cranes. Bridge crane is horizontal plane in workshops, warehouses and yard rigger materials over the lifting equipment. Due to the ends of the bridge is located in tall cement posts or metal stents, shape like bridge, so called bridge crane. Bridge crane is characteristic of can make hanging in hook or other take things in space on the device object vertically or horizontally realize migration. It is to use the widest range, the largest number of a kind. Ordinary bridge crane generally by lifting car, bridge operation organization, bridge metal structures. Lifting car and car by lifting mechanism, and the car frame mechanism of three parts. This design mainly completes the design of lifting mechanism parts, a large number of documents and in turn related knowledge while, have much knowledge of relevant bridge crane, imitate other after the bridge crane designed hoisting mechani



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