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摘 要 这篇论文主要以基于J2EE的诚信网络购物中心为例,阐述了基于J2EE 架构的网上购物系统的设计与实现, 对系统实现的关键技术以及模式的运用进行了研究, 实现了购物车设计、订单管理、会员管理、商品信息管理、公告维护等重要功能,并给出了相应的实现模型, 实现了网上购物系统的基本功能,并且运用相关的设计模式融合到系统之中,对相关的设计模式在网上购物系统中的应用加以研究,分析出相关模式的作用。 该系统具有高效、安全、维护简单等特点。系统基于B/S架构,采用jsp、java、Struts 1.3 + JDBC + DAO技术进行开发, 数据库由sqlserver2000搭建。面向广大的消费者设计的网上购的一个平台,实现价廉物美的公平交易。 本文按照软件工程的思想,应用统一建模工具(UML),并以组件的思想并以组件的思想,构造设计了电子商务平台中的各个功能模块;设计开发过程中,按照RUP项目开发原则进行设计开发工作,并应用用例图、顺序图等图形化手段进行了分析。 关键词:J2EE 诚信网络购物中心 This thesis is the integrity of J2EE-based shopping network example to explain the J2EE-based online shopping system architecture design and implementation of key technologies for system implementation and the use of models has been studied to realize the shopping cart design, order management, membership management, product information management, announcements and other important maintenance functions, and the corresponding implementation model to achieve the basic functions of online shopping system, and the use of design patterns related to the system being integrated, the relevant design patterns In the online shopping system to study, analyze the role of related patterns. The system has high efficiency, safety, maintenance and simple. System based on B / S structure, using jsp, java, Struts 1.3 + JDBC + DAO technology development, database set up by the sqlserver2000. For the majority of consumers purchase a web design platform, cheap and fair trade. This according to software engineering, application of the Unified Modeling tools (UML), and the idea of ??components and to components of the idea of ??e-commerce platform in the structural design of the various functional modules; design and development process, project development in accordance with RUP principles of design and development work, and apply the use case diagram, sequence diagram and other graphical methods were analyzed. 目录 1 引言 5 1.1 选题背景 5 2 系统概述 6 2.1 本系统技术概述 6 2.1.1 J2EE技术架构 6 2.1.2 Jsp动态页面技术 7 2.1.3 Tomcat中连接池机制 7 2.1.4 JDBC数据访问技术 7 2.



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