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4. 句A :When making revolution in Guangzhou in the past, we were young and arrogant. 句B :When we were making revolution in Guangzhou, we were young and arrogant. 5. 句A :By way of piping lines, the crude oil is transmitted from the well to the refinery. 句B :The crude oil is piped from the well to refinery. 6. 句A :The rate of nuclear reaction is controlled by insertion of the control rods or removal of the control rods. 句B :The rate of nuclear reaction is controlled by insertion or removal of the control rods. 百科全书类 1. 《大英百科全书》在线版:/ 2. 在线简明哥伦比亚百科全书:/ 3. 在线简明牛津百科全书:/reference/encyclopedia/ index.html 人名、地名词典类 1. 人名词典:/biography/search.html 2. 地名大词典:/research/tools/vocabulary/tgn/index.html 其他类 1. 洪恩在线双向词典:/dict/index.htm 2. 吕氏字典:/ 3. 朗曼字典:/dictionaries/ 4. 牛津字典:/ 5. 中英文课程对照翻译查询:/service/course.asp 6. 英文伊斯兰教百科全书:/encyclopedia/index.html 7. 英文基督教神学词典:/dictionary.htm 拆译 断句法: 【例1 】 原文:宁边五兆瓦重水堆的提前重启,铀浓缩设施的持续运转、新的轻水堆及其配套设施的建设,都在说明朝鲜核能力正在朝向综合性、现代化的方向稳步迈进。 The five-megawatt heavy water reactor at Yongbyon restarts in advance. The uranium enrichment facilities keep running. A new light water reactor with its supporting facilities is being constructed. All these show the DPRK’s increasingly comprehensive and modern nuclear capability. 原文:如果中国对朝鲜的真意是“可变脸但不翻脸”的话,这意味着韩中两国间的战略合作也只能受到明显的限制。 译文:If China only tends to make mild adjustment instead of complete change to its policies toward the DPRK, the strategic cooperation between China and the ROK will be subject to limitations. 原文:意识形态外交应服从和服务于实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦。 译文:The ideological diplomacy should be subject to and at the service of realizing the two “centenary goals” (i.e. to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects when the CPC celebrates its centenary and to turn China into a modern socialist country that is


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