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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1B Fuel Cell Researchers look to Carbon Researchers have developed a new method of layering graphite that could be used someday to efficiently and safely store hydrogen in a vehicle If their preliminary findings hold up under more experimentation, carbon-based storage may have the most potential, among several technologies now being considered, to make fuel-cell vehicles commercially viable Published in the July 26 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study claims that earlier research underestimated the potential capacity of carbon materials to store hydrogen. According to John Tse, one of the authors, graphite nanomaterial can be layered to absorb hydrogen gas at higher volumes and densities than previously thought possible By controlling the spacing of layers of graphitic plates to maximize absorption, Tse says a graphite storage system could meet the US dept of energy’s milestones for both weight and volume of a hydrogen storage system. The graphitic material is lighter than metal hydrides storage solutions currently being explored, and is relatively cheap to create. Furthermore, its chemically inert and environmentally benign. The Bush administration wants to reduce the use of fossil fuels, by helping the private sector domestically produce hydrogen that could be used in commercial fuel cell vehicles by 2020. to that end, last year the DOE set increasingly stringent goals for 2005, 2010 and 2015, for the weight, volume, cost and refueling time of hydrogen storage systems, which it believes should be met for hydrogen-powered vehicles to become commercially viable. According to DOE hydrogen program manager, none of the three methods for absorbing gaseous hydrogen into other materials – carbon, chemical, and metal hydride – has yet achieved all four of the 2005 goals. Creating a viable hydrogen storage platform is the most critical barrier to the hydrogen economy the program manager says. Companie


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