人教版七年级英语下册unit 5why do you like pandasSection B 1a-2c.ppt

人教版七年级英语下册unit 5why do you like pandasSection B 1a-2c.ppt

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人教版七年级英语下册unit 5why do you like pandasSection B 1a-2c.ppt

3. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. 大象能长时间行走而且从不迷路。 walk for a long time 长时间行走 lost 意为“迷路的,走失的”,此处为形容词,常 和系动词 be, get 等构成短语来表“迷路,走失”; 还常直接用于名词前作定语修饰名词。 e.g.: Bad luck! My keys are lost. 倒霉,钥匙丢了。 the lost tourists 迷路的游客 a lost pen 遗失的钢笔 (be) in danger 表示“面临危险” e.g. : Firefighters are often in great danger. 反义词 (be) out of danger “脱离危险” e.g. : The person in hospital is out of danger. 6. cut down 砍伐 Don’t cut down trees. 不要砍伐树木。 8. We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. 我们必须拯救树木拒买象牙制品。 made of … 表示“由…… 制造” ,能看出原材料 made from … “由…… 制造” ,不能看出原材料 made in … 表示“在哪里制造” (made in China) e.g.: The boat is made of wood. 这条船是木头制造的。 The paper is made from wood. 纸是木头做的。 This product is made in China. 这个产品是中国制造。 lion elephant tiger giraffe panda cat koala No, I’m a pet. We’re all animals. It’s raining cats and dogs. 倾盆大雨 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 Every dog has its day. 每个人都有得意的一天。 as busy as a bee 忙得团团转 Remember them! friendly shy 1. smart ___ 3. beautiful ____ 5. lazy___7. small ____ 2. friendly ___ 4. cute ____ 6. scary ___ 8. shy ____ e f e b f d a c 1a. Match the description words with the animals. I like … because … Describe the animals in the pictures. I like pandas because they’re kind of shy. I like elephants because they’re kind of smart. I like giraffes because they’re kind of beautiful. I (don’t) like … because … I don’t like koalas because they’re really lazy. I don’t like tigers because they’re very scary. I don’t like lions because they’re really scary. 1. smart ___ 3. beautiful ____ 5. lazy___7. small ____ 2. friendly ___ 4. cute ____ 6. scary ___ 8. shy ____ e f e b f d a c 1b.Listen and circle the description words you hear in 1a. 1c. Listen again and fill in the chart. pandas elephants Tony’s words Mary’s words Animal interesting, really smart lazy beautiful, kind of shy kind of cute


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