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导游图内容一 Visitor Map (1) 美食: Delicious Food: 商业街 一号院 尘香居 Chenxiang Restaurant Yard No.1, Street of God of Wealth 周至农产品为主原料,以西安及陕西的本土菜制作工艺为辅的原汁原味本土菜馆。 This is an authentic local restaurant serving dishes of typical Shaanxi flavors, using local Zhouzhi County agricultural ingredients. 商业街 三号院 财富宴Feast of Wealth Yard No.3, Street of God of Wealth 借赵公明财神文化区的社会价值意象,将官府菜、宫廷菜与本地特色餐饮文化融合,打造独特的财富盛宴,满足各国、各地、各界贵宾级来宾的礼遇。 With the social images of the God of Wealth Temple, this feast integrates the features of Chinese aristocratic cuisine and palace cuisine, with those of local foods. It creates a feast of wealth to cater to distinguished guests from every walk of life. 商业街 四号院 藏香居 Zangxiang Pork Restaurant, Yard No.4, Street of God of Wealth 由西安周至县添鑫藏香猪养殖场养殖的藏香猪,其品质上有“六个最”即: 肉品中氨基酸含量最高,微量元素最高,脂肪含量最低,猪肠最长,猪皮最薄,鬃毛最长,是传统民族美食。极其适合打造藏香猪特色菜肴餐厅。 This restaurant specializes in a particular type of pork dishes. The pork is supplied by the Tianxin Zangxiang Pig Farm of Zhouzhi County. Zangxiang pig is a special breed that produces what is reputed to be the best quality pork. The meat contains a high amount of amino acids and trace elements, with the lowest fat and the thinnest skin. It is an ideal meat for cooking the most famous traditional foods with ethnic flavors. 商业街 五号院 飨鳟阁 Delicacies from the Mountains, Yard No.5, Street of God of Wealth 西安南山的太平峪虹鳟鱼养殖基地就是秦岭地区特色。鳟鱼营养丰富,味道鲜美,对人体有很好的食疗作用,即可生吃又可煲汤。西安市民也常为此美味不怕辛苦走一遭。 Rainbow trout farming at Taipingyu in Zhongnan Mountain is a typical industry in the Qinliang Mountains. Rainbow trout are known for rich nutrition, fresh taste and certain medicinal properties. It can be served raw or simmered in soup. People often travel the long distance from Xi’an just for the rainbow trout here. 城固、南郑县都有大型养殖娃娃鱼的基地。娃娃鱼已经成高档餐饮不可或缺的美食之一。 Large-scale giant salamander breeding bases are built in Chenggu and Nanzheng Counties. This unusual food has turned out to be an essential part of most first-class dining. 商业街 六号院 麻辣尚席 Hot-Pot Restaur


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