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* 优点:施工简单、造价低;适合单机送风距离小于15m的中小型机房。 缺点:送风距离较近,温度场均匀性欠佳,噪声较大。 “温度场均匀性欠佳”解释:不是说不能保障主设备的安全,举例来说,距离空调近的设备温度为24℃,距离空调远的设备温度为26℃ “噪声较大”的解释:到底有多大?65~70 * 优点:送风距离远、送风均匀,适合要求较高或无条件采用风帽送风的大中型机房; 缺点:造价高、工程复杂,机房层高要足够 送风距离和机外余压的关系:送风口、送风压力、管道横截面的关系 风速、截面积、风量间的关系 风速:8~10m/s之间,风速大:近端设备冷却效果不好,能量损失较大。风速小,截面大,成本高。送风效果不好 * 优点:机房温度场分布最均匀,热密度大于500W/M2时优先选用,地板下空间相当于静压箱、送风均匀 缺点:要有静压地板,高度不小于300mm;地板造价高;楼板一般要做保温处理 机房扩容方面怎么解释? 三种送风方式,哪种有利于机房扩容?风帽、风道,但还需增加空调。 * electronics dissipate heat electronics are vulnerable to their environment ..to changes in temp hum and the pres of dust without proper control, eqpt failure, and downtime will result * * ac eqpt does 2 things reduce temperature called sensiblecapacity reduce moisture called latent capacity the sum of these two is the total capacity The nominal capacity specified of an ac has 2 components, sensible and latent. Latent loads, moisture, comes from people and moist air from the outside. Sensible loads are from heat transfer from the outside, lights, and electrical equipment. the proportion or percentage has a great deal to do with efficiency and ability to meet tH conditions * * * * * * ac eqpt does 2 things reduce temperature called sensiblecapacity reduce moisture called latent capacity the sum of these two is the total capacity The nominal capacity specified of an ac has 2 components, sensible and latent. Latent loads, moisture, comes from people and moist air from the outside. Sensible loads are from heat transfer from the outside, lights, and electrical equipment. the proportion or percentage has a great deal to do with efficiency and ability to meet tH conditions * this graphically portrays shr An example is that a 15 ton comfort system will only give 10 tons of the sensible capacity needed for digital switch rooms yes prec ac is more expensive but it gives you 40-50% more of the right capacity. * 机房环境要求-温湿度控制的必要性 机房温度无法保持恒定 - 造成电子元气件的寿命大大降低 局部温度过热 - 设备突然关机 ——保持温度恒定(控制在22oC,温差1oC之内) 机房湿度过高 - 产生冷凝水,短路 机房湿度过低 -


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