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教师点拨 1. A man is talking to a woman at the lost and found office. 3、They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. ①leave 在此意为_________ leave sth +地点 : 把某物落在/忘在某地。 eg: I leave my homework at home. ② He usually leaves home at 7:00 in the morning. leave 在此意为___________ 4. That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations. That’s why… “那就是….的原因” “That’s why+句子”句子为陈述语气 eg.That’s why I like you. 6. They are looking for their phones, cameras…. look for“寻找” 指有目的的找,强调”找的动作”。 find “找到” 强调”找的结果” eg. I look for my bag, but I can’t find it. look for寻找 look at 看 look after 照顾,照料 look up查询 look like 看起来像 look over检查 * * * * * * * Module 1 Lost and found Unit 2 Are they yours? 1.正确拼写本单元出现的19个单词、8个短语并能正确运用名词性物主代词;理解课文并学会在现实生活中如何询问物品的归属 2.通过自主探究及小组合作,学会用归纳法总结单词的不同含义和用法 3.关注身边的事物并热心帮助他人;快乐学习,激情投入 照相机 丢下,遗忘 飞机 出租车 为什么 机场,航空港 百 千 奇怪的 船 鸭 猪 香肠,腊肠 移动电话, 手机 失物招领处 匆匆忙忙 几百,成百上千 寻找 camera leave plane/ airplane taxi why airport hundred thousand strange boat duck pig sausage phone/ mobile phone lost and found office in a hurry hundreds of look for Read the phrases loudly: 匆忙地 in a hurry 2. 把东西落在飞机上leave things on planes 3. 数以百计的人 hundreds of people 4. 寻找他们的手机look for their phones 5. 许多其他的东西many other things 6. 两千two thousand 7. 在此刻at the moment 8. 15千克香肠fifteen kilos of sausages 阅读训练:Read the passage(文章) and answer the questions. (方法导引:根据问题,浏览课文,通过关键信息找出答案) When do people often lose things? _________________ 2. Where do they leave things? _______________________ 3. How many people come to the New York City Lost and Found Office? ________________ 4. How many mobile phones and cameras do we usually have? ___________________ 5. Are there any animals in the Lost and Found office? __________________________ When they are travelling or when they are in a hurry. On planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. Hundreds of people Two thousand mobile phones


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