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防 灾 科 技 学 院
毕 业 设 计
题 目 楼道触摸延时开关的设计 学生姓名 XXX 学 号 115031142 系 别 防灾仪器系 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 1150311 开题时间 2015年01月01日 答辩时间 2015 年 6 月 日 指导教师 XXX 职 称 教授
作 者 XXX
指导教师 XXX
摘要 人类发展到今天的科技水平,大部分依靠的是能源的消耗。因此能源消耗即将枯竭的诸多问题便困扰着我们。虽然在很多方面我们可能无法接触到,但是我们在公共场也能够做到更好的节约身边资源,那么我们就先从常见的节约用电开始做起吧。目前而言依靠随手关灯的习惯是远远不够的,我们需要选择用一款新型开关控制电路,如此一来就一定会达到节约用电并且能方便众人的目的。在以前我们所用的开关都是直接用手来控制它的通断的,现在看来,全部用手控制的开关已经不能够满足社会发展所需要,它应该被淘汰。紧接着,各种各样的更实用的新型开关就被开发出来并运用到各行各业的领域之中,大量的新型电子产品进入我们的生活,在开关领域中占据了主导的地位。而新型产品楼道触摸延时开关,只要人来的时候触摸一下开关按钮,灯泡随即被点亮,红外感应探头探测人是否存在,当人离开检测区后灯泡延时熄灭,人还在感应区灯泡继续被点亮。像这种开关不但能达到人们所需要的要求,还能达到更好的节能目的,从而广泛应用于楼道、公测等一些公共场所之中。
关键词:方便节约 安全美观 触摸延时 红外检测
The design of the corridor,touch delay switch
Abstract:Most human development to todays science and technology level, depends on the energy consumption. Therefore, many problems will soon dry up energy consumption of the plague us. Though we may be unable to gain access to in many ways, but we also can do better in the public field around to save resources, then we will start with common save electricity first. For the moment, the habit of relying on the door is not enough, we need to choose to use a new switch control circuit, thus will achieve the goal of all can save electricity and convenient. Switches are used in previous us directly by hand to control the on and off of it, for now, it seems that all hand control switch is cant meet the demand of social development, it should be eliminated. Then, all kinds of more practical new type switch is developed and applied to all walks of life field, a large number of new electronic products into our lives, held a dominant position in the field of switch. And new product corridor touch delay switch, as long as a person to touch the switch button, the light bulb immediately lit up, infrared sensing probe to detect the existence of man and bulb delay put out when they leave the testing area, people are still in the active