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[摘要] 随着网络时代的到来,很多商品的销售不仅仅局限于面对面的销售,网络为商品销售的成本降低做出了重大贡献,由此,大量的电子商务网站应运而生,其中国内最出名的电子商务网站有淘宝,京东商城,当当,卓越。他们对普通的商品的销售业产生了重大冲击,也正是因为电子商务网站的这些优点,使得人们可以以低廉的价格买到物美的商品, 将蔬菜的销售电子商务化建立蔬菜网站也已经有所发展,以前人们到菜市场买菜,价格波动本身并不知道这难免就导致了花冤枉钱。另一方面将蔬菜商品化提供蔬菜的供求信息以及各地实时价格情况透明化有利于蔬菜产业的持续稳定的健康发展。在这领域里比较知名的蔬菜网有:、中国蔬菜网、蔬菜商情网等等。蔬菜网是一种蔬菜行业的综合性门户网站。主要性质是以为广大菜农提供最新蔬菜讯息服务,一般的蔬菜网站都为客户提供蔬菜供求信息的发布平台、蔬菜价格行情查询、蔬菜种植技术资料、蔬菜消费与健康等栏目,是综合性的蔬菜门户型互联网整合应用平台 Abstract: Xiaonei which is popular with all of us, provide us with a true Network platform. On xiaonei we can make friends and contact with old friends whom we may lose contact with for a long time. According to your register information ,it can notice you that you may know somebody, which is very convenient for us .Xiaonei lacks of a Mechanism of search log from friends, While this system can make up for this. The system can also realize updating index dynamic, which allows users to search the atest logs in time. This mechanism provides a shortcut to interact with each other. earching key words among logs of the user’s friends can both satisfy the user’demand and protect the other’s privacy. The core realization of the system is the operator of the matrix ,through which the users friends tiered table can be got. The developing and running software environment is choiced as following: Java as the developing kit, MyEclipse as the platform, Lucene as the search tool, Struts as the framwork , Matlab as the tool and SQL Server 2000 as the database. The search system of access control based on Lucene Adopts B/S three-tier architecture, making the data processing layer, business logic layer and resentation layer are clearly divided. The system can be used to search the log of the users friends and to update the users log .It can also update the index dynamic ,so users can be allowed to rapidly search out the latest log, which is convenient to us. Key words: Access control;Dynamic update;Search;Lucene 目 录 1 1 1.1 本课题的研究意义及必要性 1 1.2 相关领域国内外应用的现状及发展趋势 2 1.3 Lu


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