年产4.6万吨铝合金板带材生产车间设计 毕业论文.doc

年产4.6万吨铝合金板带材生产车间设计 毕业论文.doc

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年产4.6万吨铝合金板带材生产车间设计 本设计为年产4.6万吨铝合金板带材生产车间的设计。采用带式法来生产各种规格的铝合金板带材产品。可以生产多种合金牌号的产品,主要有PS版基卷材、飞机蒙皮板、汽车车身板,幕墙板、制罐料等多种产品。本设计的主要内容有:车间工艺设计、厂房设计和辅助设施设计,即产品的牌号、状态、规格的选择和工艺流程的制定;主辅设备的选择;计算产品的工艺计算、电机及轧辊强度校核;工艺卡片和金属平衡表的制定及设备负荷计算;车间平面布置和立面尺寸的确定等等。本设计Yearly produces 46000 tons aluminum alloy board strip Production workshop design his design is about to yearly produce46000 tons aluminum alloy board strip Production workshop design. Uses the belt law to produce each kind of specification the aluminum alloy board strip product. Many kinds of alloy trademarks the product can be producted in workshop desingn, the PS version base volume material, the airplane Mongolia fur plates, the car body panels,just as the curtain wall plate, the system pot material and so on .This designs primary coverage includes: Workshop technological design, workshop design and ancillary facilities design, namely product trademark, condition, specification choice and technical process formulation; Advocates the auxiliary equipments choice; Counting yield process design, electrical machinery and roll strength examination; Process chart and metal balance formulation and machine utilization computation; The workshop plane layout and sets up the surface size the determination and so on.This design annual output is 46000 tons, the selection four counting yield trademark is: LY6LY7, LD10, LM6, LF3. The production decision is mainly hot rolling and the cold rolling. The major installation has reversible hot-rolling mill, reversible cold-rolling mill,other equipment also have the heating furnace, the annealing furnace, the alligator shears, the crimping machine, the straightening machine as well as the crane and so on. Key words: aluminum alloy;Sheet;Strip;Hot rolling;Cold rolling;Process calculation ;layout 1 车间设计总论 6 1.1车间设计的基本内容 6 1.2车间设计的依据 6 1.3车间设计的基本程序 6 2 产品方案与生产方案制定 8 2.1产品方案的编制 8 2.2生产方案的选择 8 3 生产工艺流程 10 3.1生产工艺流程 10 3.2计算产品的生产工艺流程 10 3.3锭坯的选择 12 4 热轧 14 4.1热轧工艺 14 4.2热轧设备的选择 15 4.3热轧工艺计算 18 5 冷轧 24


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