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广州近代社会经济变迁与城市文化特征   摘 要:清末民初是近代中国社会迈向近代化的转型时期。广州市因地处华南前沿、一直得欧美风气之先,故社会经济的近代化变迁起步较早――上世纪二三十年代是其基本实现近代化转型升级之关键时期。这种情况的出现,离不开其毗邻港澳对外开放,及广东的省市官员、华侨和资产阶级商绅的倡导、推动和支持。当时广州市立体交通网络、近代工业部门与商贸金融机构之形成和发展,既是其社会经济近代化转型的主要标志,也是它各方面进行近代化建设的重要基础。广州近代社会经济变迁的进程,彰显出它历史上作为“三地”的城市文化特色。此外,广州社会经济的持续发展,还为其民族资产阶级和无产阶级队伍之形成壮大,及两者革命斗争的先后开展创造了基础条件,从而使广州成为我国民主革命运动的策源地。广州经济实力的快速增长,保障了它能在全国近代城市的演进过程中始终居于领先地位,并发展成为国内最繁荣和最有影响与活力的大都会之一。 中国论文网 /7/view-7246693.htm   关键词:广州;社会经济变迁;城市文化特色   Abstract:The late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China is a transformation period for modern Chinese society to step to modernization. Located in the frontier of South China, Guangzhou has geographical advantages in communication with foreign countries and receives European and American ethos earlier, so the modernization of its society and economy started earlier. The 1920s and 1930s are the crucial periods for Guangzhou to basically realize its modernization transformation and upgrading. Such a situation cant appear without Guangzhou’s neighboring Hong Kong and Macao and its opening to the outside world, and the advocacy, promotion and support from officials, overseas Chinese and merchants in Guangdong. The formation and development of three-dimensional traffic network at that time, modern industrial departments and commercial & financial institutions are the main signs of modernization transformation of Guangzhou’s society and economy, as well as the important foundations of its modernization construction in all aspects. The process of the changes of society and economy in modern Guangzhou manifested its urban culture characteristics including its cultural character, content and spirit. Specifically, the formation and development of three-dimensional traffic network of Guangzhou passed on and carried forward its urban character and historical tradition which is focusing on traffic first and insisting internal connect and external communication as the birthplace of Maritime Silk Route; the transformation,


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