
台安东桓小学教育教学调查报告 数学教育毕业论文.doc

台安东桓小学教育教学调查报告 数学教育毕业论文.doc

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编号? ???????? ?? 锦州师范高等专科学校计算机系 ? 毕?? 业?? 论?? 文 课题名称 ? 台安东桓小学教育教学调查报告 ? ? 学生姓名??? ? ???? ?? 学? 号???? 37 号??? ? ?? 专? 业???? 数 学 教 育???? 班?? 级???? 10数2班???? 指导教师??? ? ? ? 2013 年?06月 台安东桓小学教育教学调查报告 ? 摘要:文章根据新课改的现状,提出在教育教学中应该从两个方面入手。随着国家新课程改革的全面普及,为学生减负已经成了首要问题,但就家长们的学校家长反馈表提出的问题来看,孩子们的自主学习能力大幅度下降,学习效率有减无增,根据现状来看,要想提高学生们的自主学习能力,充分利用好课堂上,减少周六日盲木补课的追风族成了目前关注的主要问题,旨在让学生通过良好学校学习时间的把握,学会学习,充分掌握学习的三大能力,即高效的听课效率,查缺补漏的能力,归纳总结的能力,培养学生的人文精神和科学素养。 本文结合自身在新课程改革的实践经历,总结出小学教学该注重的两个方面:第一是引导学生自主学习,培养其学习兴趣,在自主探究和切身体验中,增强学习能力。 第二是教师自身方面,要采用多种教学方法和手段。优化教学过程,提高课堂效率。让每位学生在快乐中学习,在快乐中提高。 根据此种观点,文章从课上教学和课下总结两个方面来进行阐述。 关键词:教学过程 自主学习 优化教学 学习兴趣 Tai’an Donghuan Primary In Education And Teaching Investigation Report Abstract: As the new curriculum reform becoming normal, reducing students’ pressure has been the most important problem. But according to the problems on the comments forms from parents, students’ study abilities by themselves get down and learning efficiency gets down. To improve students’ study abilities by themselves according to the current situation, we should pay more attention on class and reduce spending time on the learning class from other teachers on Weekends for learning how to study by grasping the study time in school. Student should grasp three skills including listening efficiency and the ability of correcting and concluding and develop the humanism and scientific literacy. I conclude that we should pay more attention to two points according my practice experience in Curriculum reform.According to the present situation of new curriculum reform,we should take actions from two aspects in education and teaching.First,guiding students to study by themselves,developing their interest in study, enhancing the ability to study by autonomic learning and their own experience. Second, teachers should take all kinds of teaching methods to optimize teaching process and classroom efficiency. These methods can make students to study and enhance wi


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