危机中外汇储备问题的研究 毕业论文.doc

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危机中外汇储备问题的研究外汇储备是一国对内经济和对外经济的结合点。由美国次贷危机所引发的全球金融危机,持有巨额的外汇储备中国在此次金融危机中的投资安全与收益问题成为人们关注的焦点,众人对于中国外汇储备管理问题的建议也是不绝于耳。本文对于危机中外汇储备问题的研究思路是:在对我国外汇储备增长现状、进行分析的基础上,探讨其背后的深刻原因;最后,立足国内,以参与全球化竞争的意识以国家长期发展战略为导向,提出的对策建议。Abstract Foreign exchange reserves, is a country internal economy and foreign economic isopleth. By the subprime mortgage crisis caused by the global financial crisis, it make China held huge foreign exchange reserves in the financial crisis, the investment of safety and benefits problems become the focus of attention. All for Chinas foreign currency reserves management Suggestions are also many. This paper for crisis in the ideas of the foreign exchange reserves is: On Chinese foreign exchange reserve growth situation, pose the question on the foundation of analysis, discusses the deep reasons. Conclusion: RMB internationalization is Chinas foreign exchange reserves crisis dissolve the best choice. From the present situation of RMB internationalization , prospects, the achievements of the Angle and importance, Finally, a foothold domestic, to participate in global competition consciousness to the long-term national development strategy as the guidance, proposed the crisis of RMB internationalization of countermeasures. That the Chinas massive foreign exchange reserves used to support RMB internationalization, already can consume excess reserves dissolve reserves crisis, and has practical operability, more with the national economic long-term development strategy significance, one of which is the best choice. Key words: Reserves crisis, RMB internationalization, Exchange rate, the international monetary 目 录 前 言……………………………………………………………………………………5 一、中国外汇储备现状……………………………………………………………………5 二、我国高额外汇储备带来的问题 ……………………………………………………6 (一)我国的外汇储备规模过大,提高机会成本高涨的外汇储备影响了货币政策的自主性现行的外汇管理制度,增加通货膨胀压力我国巨额外汇储备面临着巨大的汇率风险(五)结构相对单一,增大了储备风险(六)使央行需要使用更多的手段来维持币值的稳定不同来源的外汇储备形成不同的经济影响人民币升值压力加大,不利于对外贸易顺利开展人民币国际化的前景积极走有中国特色的货币国际化的道路继续保持人民币币值稳定加强与周边国家和地区的贸易创造有利条件,实现资本项目的可兑换深化金融体制改革,完善现代金融体系 7.


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