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毕业设计 题 目 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 二〇一 一年月 日 目的是提高学生书本知识到实际生产实际,并能结合理论与实践,基本理论和工艺分析表明,金属板弯板工艺是塑性弯曲变形,在弯曲,弯曲的精确度,最小弯曲半径,弯曲,弯曲力矩是主要的工艺指标。。虽然四辊卷板机复杂,重等缺点,但也有方便,剩下的直边精度高的优点,从而轧制厚壁管段广泛应用充分论证,根据该模型确定W12NC100 × 3000 W12NC四辊卷板机的整体设计:四辊结构,采用机械传动主运动,传动链包括三个活动的小齿轮和被动元件,减少了机的外形尺寸;补充马达液压传动,伺服阀控制液压系统的核心,卷绕机较高的精度,同时焊接左,右框架,降低了设备总重量;电脑操作和两种功能的电子控制系统。工艺参数计算,以确保准确性和安全性,工作辊强度和刚度计算。检查它的强度和刚度。结果表明,强度和刚度。机架制造,工作辊和传动齿轮的制造,加工,设备是W12NC100 × 3000的制造工艺。为防止焊接变形和大型镗铣加工生产中的应用是成功的架的关键;轴承,汽缸总成,工作辊和齿轮装配尺寸是关键设备的组装;确保工作辊传动齿轮和气缸体材料性能和化学成分符合标准ABSTRACT Many research analysis has been done in the general conditions of development and research on domestic The cold rolling capacity of the machine that is studied and made by myself . In order to design the plate and,some essentialresearch work has been put up in the basic theory of the plate rolling technics.The bendingprocess of mental plate is the plastic bending deformation.According to the principle of threepoints making a circle,the plate bending is the process of three points sequence bending ofplate stuff.In generally,the making of cylindrical shell section is made up of the workingprocedures of centering,pre-bending,coiling block and setting round.When the capacityplate bending is deficiency,the hot rolling Can be considered.The hot rolling has manylimitations.Some common fallacies and their causation have been discussed and analyzed andthe corresponding measures have been put in the paper. The specialty of different kinds of plate bending machine has been discussed in the paper.Plate bending machines is fell into two rolls,three rolls and four rolls according to the numberof rolls and its distribution.Although the four rolls machine has the defects of complex and heavy,it has many virtues,such as easy centering,pre-bending in small margin,and high precision in the setting round.It is used broadly in the bend


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