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摘 要 随着世界经济的飞速发展,全球对于能源的需求量日益增长,特别是石油、煤炭之类的常用能源,这势必严重影响经济的发展。而由于油页岩资源的储量丰富,油页岩的开发将成为各国的重点,怎样在生产中节约能源的消耗也是一个重要的研究。 本实验采用1~12mm1mm的热灰以1:4的比例混合,研究回转干馏炉的倾角、转速、抄板形式、出口挡板直径等对油页岩颗粒混合物料在其中停留时间的影响。研究结果表明:倾角、转速、抄板形式及出口挡板直径对混合物料的停留时间有重要影响;随着倾角的提高,物料在回转干馏炉的内的停留时间明显缩短;当转速提高时,停留时间则随之减小;使用直角抄板停留时间较长;随着出口挡板直径的增大,停留时间也随之减小。 关键词:油页岩;回转干馏炉;平均停留时间 Title The Mean Residence Time of Oil Shale Particles in Rotary Retort Abstract With the rapid development of the world’s economy, global demand for energy, especially the growing of oil and coal, this will seriously affect the development of the economy. And because the rich reserves of oil shale resources, oil shale development will be the focus of all countries, and how to save sources of energy consumption in the production is one of the important research. This experiment the 1~12mm oil shale and less than 1mm oil shale mix with the ratio of 1:4, research rotary kiln obliquity, rotating speed of the turn, copy plate forms, export baffle diameter on mixing particle of oil shale in which the influence of retention time. The results of the study show that: obliquity, rotational speed and copy plate forms and export baffle diameter have important influence to retention time of mixing particle; With the improvement of obliquity, and the retention time of mixing particle in rotary kiln significantly shortened; When speed increase, retention time will be decreased; Use bending copy plate takes a long time to stay; Along with the increase of export baffle diameter, retention time also will decrease. Keywords: oil shale; rotary retort; mean residence time 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1本文研究的背景和意义 1 1.2油页岩资源的状况 1 1.3油页岩及其特性 2 1.4油页岩的综合利用 2 1.4.1提炼页岩油 2 1.4.2其他方面 4 1.5本课题的主要工作 4 第2章 实验装置和实验方案 5 2.1实验装置 5 2.2实验方案 5 2.3实验过程 6 第3章 实验结果及分析 7 3.1倾角对平均停留时间的影响 7 3.1.1内部为直抄板 7 3.1.2内部为直角抄板 8 3.2转速对平均停留时间的影响 10 3.2.1内部为直抄板 10 3.2.2内部为直角抄板 12 3.3出口挡板直径对平均停留时间的影响 13 3.3.1内部为直抄板 13 3.3.2内部为直角抄板 15 3.4抄板类型对平均停留时间的影响 17 3.4.1出口挡板直径为50mm 17 3.4.2出口挡板直径为70mm



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