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智能门禁系统设计 院 系:信息科学与工程学院 专 业 班:电子科学与技术1101班 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2015年05月 智能门禁系统设计 Design of Intelligent Access Control System 摘 要 随着社会科学技术和社会经济的快速发展,如今信息技术早己经深入人们生活的各个领域特别是住宅小区的需要。伴随人们对财物的安全与防盗意识的不断提高,于是对高级住宅区的安全性能和门禁的系统人性化要求越来越高。智能门禁系统是现在被广泛的使用在各种建筑和楼房中,它是一种的安全性很高的控制管理系统。现如今,经济社会不断进步,人们对自己生活的要求也越来越高,现在为了保证各方面的安全,开发商一般会建筑物内的主要管理区、楼房的电梯口、数据管理中心、机要库房等重要出入口设置一些保证安全的防护措施,为了解决这些日益显现的安全问题,一种新型智能的门禁系统就诞生了,它能自动辨别出入口人员是否有权限,判断是否开门,控制重要的出入口进出,保证人身财产的安全。 本课题“智能门禁系统设计”是建立在此背景基础上的,是以STC89C52单片机作为系统的核心部件,外围加蜂鸣器控制电路、开门指示灯电路、电控锁控制电路以及1602LCD显示电路等。门禁系统主要由CPU、电源指示、开锁指示电路、振荡电路、蜂鸣器电路、设置按键电路、电机驱动模块、24C02存储模块、RC522读卡模块、LCD显示模块等组成。采用射频卡完成刷卡进门,通过传感器的相互的协调和无线信息传输技术的应用,设计一套智能化,人性化的智能门禁控制系统。 关键词:智能门禁系统 单片机 射频卡 无线信息传输 Abstract With the rapid development of society, economy, science, technology and society, and now information technology had early-depth all areas of life, especially the needs of the residential district. With the continuous improvement of peoples sense of safety and security of property, then to the exclusive residential area of security and access control systems have become increasingly demanding humane. Intelligent access control system is now widely used in a variety of architectural building a new type of modern safety management systems. Today, the social-economic growth, peoples own lives have become more sophisticated, and now in order to ensure that all aspects of security, key management area within the building developer usually, the building elevator, equipment control center, an important warehouse the main entrance and other important sectors of the channel mouth set of security measures, in order to more effectively achieve the goal, people developed a new modern intelligent access control system, it can identify the identity of the entrance of personnel, to determine whether to open the door, it can be important in import and export controls can be very effective to improve security and ensure the safety of residents. The project Intelligent


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