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摘 要 H.264标准是由国际标准化组织和国际电工委员会(ISO/IEC)与国际电信联盟电信标准化部门(ITU-T)组成的联合视频组(JVT)制定的新一代视频压缩编码标准。H.264和以前的标准一样,也是差分脉冲编码调制(differential pulse code modulation, DPCM)加离散余弦(Discrete Cosine Transform, DCT)变换编码的混合编码模式。 在技术上,H.264集中了以往标准的优点,并吸收了它们的经验。H.264应用了帧内预测,整数变换,不同的预测块大小,多个参考帧,1/4象素预测精度,自适应算术编码,去块效应滤波器(De-blocking filter)以及基于率失真优化的模式选择算法等技术。H.264分为视频编码层(Video Coding Layer, VCL)和网络提取层(Network Abstraction Layer, NAL)。因此,H.264可以达到极高的压缩比,在所有码率下都能持续提供较高的视频质量。 本文详细介绍了H.264的主要技术,并用软件实现了H.264编码器。本论文包含以下内容,首先回顾了视频压缩技术的背景知识,评述了国内外视频编码的研究状况,对H.264 编码方案作了一个整体的说明;接着分析了整数变换,基于内容的自适应可变长度编码技术(CAVLC)和结合宏块大小的自适应块变换(ABT)技术;然后论文对H.264的预测编码技术进行了详细的分析,对比了各种标准的帧内编码效率;最后介绍软件H.264编码器并对编码结果做出分析。 关键词:视频编码,整数变换,运动补偿 Abstract H.264 standard is a new generation of video compression coding standard which formulate by the Joint video team (JVT) who composed by the ISO/IEC and ITU-T. H.264 standard, just like the standards before, also commix by differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) transformation coding. Technically, H.264 standard concentrated the merits of all the standards before and absorb their experience. H.264 applied technical such as forecast in frame, integer conversion, the different size forecast pieces, multiple reference frames, 1/4 image forecast precision, adaptive arithmetic coding, Deblocking filter, and based on the rate distortion algorithm optimization model selection algorithms. H.264 classified into Video Coding Layer (VCL) and Network Abstraction Layer (NAL).Therefore, H.264 can achieve extremely high compression ratio, provide higher quality video in all code rate. This paper detailed introduced the main technique of H.264 standard, and accomplish H.264 code device with software implementation. It include the below substance, first of all reviewed video compression technique backdrop information, the condition of video coding research at the home and abroad, do an entirety directions to the H.264 coding scheme; Then analyze the wh


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