中国关于SPS协定透明度原则的履行 毕业论文.doc

中国关于SPS协定透明度原则的履行 毕业论文.doc

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摘要 透明度是世界贸易组织的基石性原则之一,贯穿 WTO 各主要协定中。入世以来,中国高度重视 SPS 领域的透明度工作,认真履行义务,积极享受权利,开展透明度规则研究,学习规则、理解规则、运用规则、发展规则,为促进 WTO/SPS 委员会透明度执行情况的改善作出了重要的贡献。在《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》(SPS 协定)中,透明度原则的实施包括法规公布、通报新制修订措施和国家(成员)咨询点的建立。我国加入 WTO 后,国务院在质检总局设立了中国WTO/SPS 国家通报咨询中心,代表国家在相关领域履行透明度义务,享受成员权利。 一般而言,WTO 透明度工作主要包括三方面内容,即义务的履行、权利的行使和规则的制定,权利的行使是目的,义务的履行是前提,规则的制定是根本。三方面紧密联系、相辅相成。而我国在对于履行SPS透明度原则的相关方面仍然存在着许多的问题,是什么导致的这些问题,而这些问题对于我国又会有怎样的影响,我们都将讨论到,并且最为重要的是怎样在以后中国的发展中更好的履行SPS透明度原则。 关键词:透明度原则,SPS协定,通报,资源,义务,权利 Abstract: Transparency is one of the essential principles by World Trade Orgnization (WTO) and has appeared in many major agreements. After entering WTO, Chinese government has been attaching great importance to improving transparency condition, taking full responsibility to fulfill its obligations, initially benefiting from its participation, lauching out various studies to learn, get acquaitant with, apply and finally improve transparency principles. They have made great contribution to improving the execution of Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Unsanitary Measures (SPS) by WHO. SPS asks memberships to publish regulations, amendments and the foundations of enquiry points. Chinese State Council has set up related points in Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantinereceive profits from rights on behalf of China. Generally speaking, WHO transparency principle composes of the fulfillment of obligations as basis, usage of rights as goals and formulation of regulations as methods. They are closely connected and supplemental to each other. The performing condition of transparency principle in China still arises many problems. What are the causes of them and what effect they may have on China are discussed in our study, from which we propose some advice for improving Chinese performing condition of transparency principle. 中国关于SPS协定透明度原则的履行 1 《SPS协定》的有关规定的了解 1.1 SPS协定的背景和意义 1.1.1制定《SPS协定》的必要性  随着世界的发展食品安全卫生越受到


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