基于Proteus的出租车计价及安全系统的研究-覃云雷- 李力.doc

基于Proteus的出租车计价及安全系统的研究-覃云雷- 李力.doc

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基于Proteus的出租车计价及安全系统的研究-覃云雷- 李力.doc

毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 基于Proteus软件出租车计价及安 全检测系统的研究 学 院: 电子信息学院 专业班级: 电气工程及其自动化2010级7班 指导教师: 李力 职称: 工程师 学生姓名: 覃云雷 学 号: 41003040721 摘 要 随着科学技术和经济的飞速发展,出租车成为了大家生活中必不可少的交通工具。因此现在对出租车计价器的精确度要求更高,出租车司机的安全也受到了社会的极大重视。 Proteus软件是英国Lab Center Electronics公司出版的EDA工具软件。它不仅具有其它EDA工具软件的仿真功能,还能仿真单片机及外围器件。它是目前比较好的仿真单片机及外围器件的工具Proteus,STC89C52单片机,红外传感器,LCD1602液晶显示,LED点阵 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of science and technology and economy, and the taxi has become an essential means of transport in peoples lives.As a result,the higher accuracy of taxi meter is required and the taxi drivers safety has also been received much attention in the society. This design is based on STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer core,and It studies the design of a taxi valuation and safety detection system.The system is mainly designed three modules.The first module measures rotation number through infrared photoelectric sensor ST188, and LCD1602 displays the price and distance.The second module ,which is simulated to the dot matrix screen above the taxi body using 8 × 8LED dot matrix, it can not only show passengers traveling information, and alarm information can also be displayed when the driver was hijacked or in other danger.The last module is the anti-drowsy driver module.The last module is the anti-drowsy driver module, the driver can start the anti-drowsy module when he (she) feels sleepy。At this time the pump water to the driver so that he (she) stay awake. The system is cost-effective, high reliability, simple structure, and is conducive to the development of the taxi industry. KEY WORDS: Safety inspection,STC89C52 Single chip microcomputer,Infrared sensor, LCD1602 Liquid crystal display, LED dot-matrix 目 录 摘 要 I 第1章 引 言 1 1.1 国内外研究现状及研究意义 1 1.2 课题主要任务及内容 1 1.3 任务分析与实现 2 1.4 本章小结 3 第2章 Proteus的简介 4 2.1功能特点 4 2.2功能模块 4 2.3电路仿真 6 2.4本章小结 7 第3章 系统分析与硬件电路设计 8 3.1硬件的选择 8 3.1.1主控制器的选择


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