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系 别 学 号 四川学院 毕业论文 论文作者: 指导教师: 专业 领 域 : 论文提交日期: 学位授予单位: 中国四川·泸州 20年月 he Correlation between Collage Students School Belonging and Mental Health Abstract Purpose:This reserch mainly discuss the correlation between ollege students school belonging and mental health.The objects are Chongqing University full-time undergraduates. Method:The research uses questionnaire method, collegestudents school belonging lever has been measured by the questionnair of university students school belonging which is compiled HaoJia in Liaoning normal university, the mental health level has been measured by the SCL-90. Stratified random sampling method, the layered semantic markup is grades:freshman, sophmore,junior and senior, contain liberal arts and science,sex:male and female,area:city and town,age,. only-child child- -ren or non -only –child children. The investigation report send questionnaires of 324, recycled 303,the most effective of 289.Data processing adopts the software SPSS 17.0,one-way ANOVA,independent-Samples T Test. Conclusion: (1)In the part of college students school belonging,there is no signi -ficant difference by sex and major ,but sophomore is the highest, freshman and senior are stand out by junior;town student are stand out by the country student;The onlyc- hild children are stand out by non -only –child children. (2)Two of those factors are no influence in mental health,but sex ,town-city student and only-child children or non -only –child children have difference in some parts of mental health . (3)There is significant positive correlation between college students school belonging andmental health. Keywords: college student school belonging mental health correlation 加QQ652783983代做论文设计 目 录 1、前言………………………………………………………………………………(6) 1.1 问题的提出…………………………………………………………………(6) 1.2 研究的意义…………………………………………………………………(6) 1.3 研究的目的和内容…………………………………………………………(7) 2、综述………………………………………………………………………………(7) 2.1学校归属感综述……………………………………………………………(7) 2.2.


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