THE KINGS SPEECH Screenplay_国王的演讲英文剧本.doc

THE KINGS SPEECH Screenplay_国王的演讲英文剧本.doc

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BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY David Seidler F O R YO U R C O N S I D E R AT I O N 2 0 10 THE KINGS SPEECH David Seidler Screenplay by See-Saw Films/Bedlam ProductionsCARD: 1925 King George V reigns over a quarter of the world’s population. He asks his second son, the Duke of York, to give the closing speech at the Empire Exhibition in Wembley, London. INT. BBC BROADCASTING HOUSE, STUDIO - DAY CLOSE ON a BBC microphone of the 1920s, A formidable piece of machinery suspended on springs. A BBC NEWS READER, in a tuxedo with carnation boutonniere, is gargling while a TECHNICIAN holds a porcelain bowl and a towel at the ready. The man in the tuxedo expectorates discreetly into the bowl, wipes his mouth fastidiously, and signals to ANOTHER TECHNICIAN who produces an atomizer. The Reader opens his mouth, squeezes the rubber bulb, and sprays his inner throat. Now, he’s ready. The reader speaks in flawless pear-shaped tones. There’s no higher creature in the vocal world. BBC NEWS READER Good afternoon. This is the BBC National Programme and Empire Services taking you to Wembley Stadium for the Closing Ceremony of the Second and Final Season of the Empire Exhibition. INT. CORRIDOR, WEMBLEY STADIUM - DAY CLOSE ON a mans hand clutching a womans hand. Woman’s mouth whispers into mans ear. BBC NEWS READER (V.O.) 58 British Colonies and Dominions have taken part, making this the largest Exhibition staged anywhere in the world. Complete with the new stadium, the Exhibition was built in Wembley, Middlesex at a cost of over 12 million pounds. The Exhibition has attracted over 27 million visitors from every corner of our great Empire and the rest of the world.INT. CONTROL ROOM, BBC BROADCASTING HOUSE - DAY Technicians in suits, ties and scientific looking overcoats, wearing bulky headphones, monitor daunting banks of valves and dials while the Reader continues: BBC NEWS READER (V.O.) Today the vast Stadium is filled to capacity with in excess of 100,000 regiments


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