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Pass Cambridge Higher Vocabulary2a2b.doc

Pass Cambridge Higher Vocabulary Unit 1a Work roles 工作职责 specification n. 规定, 说明 infringement n. 侵权 WorkSet n. 工作定向, 定工制, 岗位责任制 job description n. 职责描述, 岗位说明书 job brief n. 工作概要, 简要工作布置 management consultancy 管理咨询公司 pie chart n. 饼形图 WorkSet color n. 定工色牌, 定工色块 re-align v. 重新调整 peak occupancy (酒店)入住高峰期 hierarchy n. 等级制的公司 superior n. 上级 project team 项目小组 technical document 技术资料,技术手册 users’ manual 用户说明书, 用户手册 clock in and out 上下班打卡 (clock on and off) nine to five 朝9晚5 (的工作方式) leisure group 旅游休闲集团公司 work flexible hours 实行弹性工作时间 temp 临时工 (temporary employee) PA 私人助理 (personal assistant; or P. A. ) a huge say 有很大的发言权 initiative n. 主动权 team leadership 团队领导才能 workshop n. 研讨班; 培训班 perception n. 认识, 观念, 看法 attribute n. 品质, 特性 (behavioral ~ 行为特征) in-company adj. 公司内部的 to screen vt. 筛选, 审查 Work Roles Glossary accountability 问责性 aptitude 能力倾向 brainstorming 头脑风暴 career orientation 职业定位 ( The fairly stable pattern of preferred occupational activities, talents, values, and attitudes. ) career path 职业道路 career skills portfolio 职业技巧组合 (The sum total of one’s occupational skills, abilities, and knowledge.) competency 能力素质/ 素能 ( A measurable pattern of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or occupational functions successfully. ) eligible adj. 合格的 (An applicant who satisfies the minimum qualifications requirements for the position, and therefore is eligible for consideration. ) employee survey 员工意见调查 (anonymous questionnaire that enables employees to state their candid opinions and attitudes about an organization and its practices. ) empowerment 授权 (giving people the authority, opportunity, and motivation to take initiative and solve organizational problems. ) formalization 职能正规化 ( the extent to which work roles are highly defined by an organization. ) goal setting 目标制定 group cohesiveness 团队凝聚力 ( the degree to which a group is especially attractive t


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