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寻求改变中, 组织文化会有三个障碍 How impossible it would be for a child to learn to walk if she were afraid of falling and looking foolish. Yet, that is exactly what happened in schools that made us feel foolish when we made mistakes, and continues in organizations that rank our performance on the basis of management-by-objectives. * * * The quick-fix mentality also makes us "system blind." Many of today's problems come from yesterday's solutions, and many of today's solutions will be tomorrow's problems. What is most perplexing is that many quick fixes, from cost cutting to marketing promotions, are implemented even though no one believes they address underlying problems. But we still feel compelled to implement these "solutions." We need to show results, and fast, regardless of the long-term, system-wide consequences. * As children, we accomplish some of our most astounding learning without any external motivation. We learn to walk, we learn to talk, we learn to be human, not because we have to, but because we want to. Eventually, however, we become conditioned to react to others' directions, to depend on others' approval. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with external authority; it would be inefficient to learn about the dangers of finger-in-plugs experientially. The problem is that our current institutions exercise authority in a way that undermines our intrinsic drive to learn. * * Moreover, management by fear and crisis becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because it does produce short-term results, managers see their crisis orientation as vindicated, people in the organization grow accustomed to “waiting for the next crisis,” managers‘ belief in the apathy of the troops is reinforced, and they become more predisposed to generate the next crisis. * * * * Building learning organizations requires personal transformations or basic shifts in how we think and interact. 创建学习型组织需要自我革新、需要改变我们如何思考和如何配合的方式 创建学习型组织 nothing happens without "personal transformation." “自我革新”


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