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中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认 可 证 书 附 件 (注册号:CNAS L2657) 检测 对象 项目/参数 代码 检测标准(方法)名称及编号(含年号) 限制 范围 说明 序号 名称 1 建筑幕墙 1.1 气密性能 0327.19 建筑幕墙 GB/T 21086-2007 建筑幕墙气密、水密、抗风压性能检测方法 GB/T 15227-2007 建筑幕墙平面内变形性能检测方法 GB/T 18250-2000 1.2 水密性能 0327.19 1.3 抗风压性能 0327.19 1 建筑幕墙 1.4 平面内变形性能 0327.19 建筑幕墙 GB/T 21086-2007 建筑幕墙气密、水密、抗风压性能检测方法 GB/T 15227-2007 建筑幕墙平面内变形性能检测方法 GB/T 18250-2000 连续平行四边形方式 2 建筑外门窗 2.1 气密性能 0327.01 铝合金门窗 GB/T 8478-2008 建筑外门窗气密、水密、抗风压性能分级及检测方法 GB/T 7106-2008 2.2 水密性能 0327.01 2.3 抗风压性能 0327.01 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS L2657) NAME: Shenzhen Kecheng Building Panel Wall and Door Window Test Co., Ltd. ADDRESS:No.45, Huangdang Road, Dalang Community, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Date of Issue: 2011-07-07 Date of Expiry: 2014-07-06 Date of Update:2012-09-18 APPENDIX 1 SCOPE OF ACCREDITED TESTING № Test Object Item/Parameter Code of Field Title, Code of Standard or Method Limitation Note № Item/ Parameter 1 Curtain Wall for building 1.1 air permeability performance 327.19 Curtain wall for building GB/T 21086-2007 Test method of airPermeability,watertightness,wind load resistancePerformance for curtain walls GB/T 15227-2007 Test method of Performance in plane deformation of curtain walls GB/T 18250 - 2000 1.2 watertightness performance 327.19 1 Curtain Wall for building 1.3 wind resistance performance 327.19 Curtain wall for building GB/T 21086-2007 Test method of airPermeability,watertightness,wind load resistancePerformance for curtain walls GB/T 15227-2007 Test method of Performance in plane deformation of curtain walls GB/T 18250 - 2000 1.4 Performance in plane deformation 327.19 Continuous parallelogram way 2 building external doors win


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