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Refrigeration Cycles New and Old 新旧制冷循环 Ideal (Reversible) Cycle 理想(可反向)循环 Reversible Cycles 可反向循环 Carnot (Air) Cycle 卡诺(空气)循环 Ericsson CycleERICSSON循环 Stirling Cycle斯特林循环 Reversible Vapor Compression Cycle 可反向压缩循环 Other Reversible Cycles? 是否有其他的可反向的循环 What Else?有其他的吗 R134a T-s Diagram R134a P-h Diagram R22 T-s Diagram R22 P-h Diagram Isobutane T-s Diagram Isobutane P-h Diagram R152a T-s Diagram R152a P-h Diagram Ammonia T-s Diagram Ammonia P-h Diagram Propane T-s Diagram Propane P-h Diagram ACRC University of Illinois Ty Newell Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Carnot’s idea: The ideal (reversible) cycle between two temperature reservoirs is only dependent on the temperatures.卡诺的想法:在二个温度聚集体之间的理想(可反向)循环仅取决于温度 ……that is, any material used as a “refrigerant” should be capable of achieving the limit of a reversible cycle if an engineer is clever enough to determine the mechanisms and processes required to remove irreversible effects. 如果工程师能聪明地解决不可反向效应,任何物质都能作为制冷剂 And, just as there is an infinite number of irreversible cycles, there is also an infinite number of reversible cycles. Cycle reversibility is achieved by: eliminating heat transfer with temperature differences avoiding free expansion and mixing processes eliminating friction not allowing masses to collide irreversibly. 要达到可反向循环,应消除温差的热传递,避免自由膨胀及混合过程,消除混合过程,消除摩擦,不容许质量的不可反向的碰创。 Economic factors (infinite heat exchangers) dictate the optimal configuration, which is usually significantly below the reversible performance limit (conventional power and refrigeration cycles tend to be 0.5 Carnot cycle performance). 经济系数(无限热交换)取决优化结构,它通常远小于可反向性能极限(通常的功率和制冷循环小于0。5的卡诺循环性能系数) T s 1 2 3 4 v P 1 4 Work功 QH 2 QL 3 1: Isothermal compression等熵压缩 2: Adiabatic expansion绝热膨胀 3: Isothermal expansion等熵膨胀 4: Adiabatic compression绝热压缩 T s v P 1 3 2 4 1 Work功 QH QL 3 2 4 1: Isothermal compression等熵压缩 2: Adiabatic expansion绝热膨胀 3:


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