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Unit12 Text A Importance重 要 性 urgency n.紧急,催促urgent a.紧急的,急迫的 clarificatin n.澄清,阐明 clarify v.澄清,讲清楚,阐明 proximate a.最近的,近似的 trivia n.琐事,不重要的事 trivial a.微不足道的,没有价值的 excessive a.过多的,过度的,极端的 anticipate vt.预期, 期望, 过早使用, 先人一着, 占先v.预订, 预见, 可以预料 enlarge v.扩大,增大 shrink v.收缩, (使)皱缩, 缩短 deception n.欺骗, 诡计 illusion n.幻想,幻影,错觉 recreational a.消遣的,娱乐的 re-creation n.再创造 valuable a.有很大价值的,贵重的,很有用的 deterioration n.变坏, 退化, 堕落 differentiate v.区别, 区分 positive a.积极的,肯定的,建设性的 identify v.确认,识别 act on 对···起作用,影响 e.g. Antibiotics act on the bacteria that cause the disease. fall into 可分作 The agreement falls on two distinct sections. objective n.目标, 目的, [语法]宾格adj.客观的, [语法]宾格的 e.g.The main objective of this policy is to reduce unemployment. prevent v.防止, 预防prevent sb. (sth.) from doing sth ,from在主动句中可省略,在被动句中一般不省。 focus n.(兴趣活动等的)中心, 焦点, 焦距vi.聚焦, 注视vt.使集中在焦点上, 定焦点, 调焦, 集中 focus one’s eye on 凝视 e.g. Modern medicine has tended to focus too much on developing highly complicated surgical techniques. identify vt.识别, 鉴别, 把...和...看成一样v.确定 e.g. It’s a mistake to identify art with life. abundance n.丰富, 充裕, 丰富充裕 Many important things that contribute to our overall objectives and give meaning to life dont tend to act upon us or press us.很多重要事情有助于实现我们的总目标,使生活有意义,但是它们不作用于我们. Theyre not urgent,but they are the things that we must act upon. 它们并不紧迫,但它们却是我们必须做的事情。 In order to focus on the issues of urgency and importance more effectively, lets look at the Time Management Table below.为了更有效地把精力集中在紧急和重要的事情上,我们来看下面的时间管理分类表。 As you can see it divides our activities into four parts. We spend time in one of these four ways: 该表将人的活动分为四部分,我们以其中任何一种方式度日。 Urgent紧迫 Not Urgent不紧迫 Important重要 I Crises危机 Pressing Problems紧急问题 Dealine-driven projects, meetings, preparations有最后期限的项目、会议和准备工作 II Preparation准备工作 Prevention预防工作 Values clarification价值分类 Planning计划 Relationship building确立人际关系 True-creation真正的再创造   Not Important不重要 III Interruptions, some phone calls


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