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智课网TOEFL备考资料 托福阅读机经背景:美汽车制造商拼俄罗斯市场 Starting on September 4, the Democratic Party holds its convention to officially nominate President Barack Obama for a second four-year term. Four years ago, Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States. 4年前,奥巴马当选为第44任美国总统。 The Democratic Party nominated him at a highly charged convention that focused on public disenchantment with the nation’s struggling economy. Mr. Obama capitalized on the issue with his motto, “Change We Can Believe In.” 在当时全国为美国经济困难深感忧虑的情况下,民主党在全国代表大会上提名奥巴马为总统候选人。奥巴马针对经济问题提出“我们坚信改变”的口号。奥巴马说:“现在是改变美国的时候了。” President Obama has been in the White House now for nearly four years. The economy has improved, but not as much as many had hoped. Some political experts say Mr. Obama has learned the vast difference between campaigning and governing. 奥巴马总统入主白宫已经快4年了,虽然经济有所改善,可是并没有达到很多人期待的程度。一些政治问题专家说,奥巴马从中认识到竞选和执政的区别。 Jennifer Lawless directs the Women Politics Institute at American University. “A lot of the promises he made were contingent on the idea there would be some kind of bipartisan effort in Washington. And right after John Boehner was elected speaker of the House of Representatives, it became clear that the Republicans number one goal was to make sure that was not going to happen, she said. 詹妮弗?罗利斯是美利坚大学妇女与政治研究学院的主任。“奥巴马的很多承诺是建立在华盛顿两党会共同努力的假想上。可是在贝纳当选为国会众议院议长后,很明显共和党的首要目的是不让奥巴马达到目的。” One example is the so-called Dream Act. It would have granted citizenship to law-abiding immigrants who arrived in the U.S. illegally as children. It was endorsed by the president, but never made it out of Congress. 比如所谓的“梦想法案”,这项法案是让那些在未成年前非法入境的人成为合法公民的。这项法案得到奥巴马总统的支持,可是却没有得到国会的通过。 In June, President Obama announced that the U.S. will temporarily stop deporting the immigrants who qualified under the Dream Act. 今年6月,奥巴马总统宣布美国将暂停驱逐符合梦想法案规定的人。 Meanwhile, his administration has deported m


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