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智能水塔水位控制系统 学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 电气信息工程学院 年级专业: 电子信息工程 指导教师: 助理指导教师: 二〇一五年五月 摘 要 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,资源短缺的现象逐渐凸显,其中水资源的短缺尤为严重,然而水资源是人们日常生产和生活所不可或缺的,长时间的断水会给人们的生活带来极大的不便,而水塔的出现能够从一定程度上解决人们储水和用水的问题,更好的节约和利用水资源。 为更好的解决对水位的实时检测和控制,本文主要论述了基于单片机的智能水塔水位控制系统的设计。该系统以STC89C52RC为核心,通过对硬件和软件部分的设计来达到对水塔水位进行实时监测的要求。其中硬件部分包括液位检测模块、中央处理模块、显示模块、报警模块、控制模块等的设计;软件部分主要是根据系统的设计思想画出主程序和子程序流程图,并利用keil uVision4进行C语言编程,以实现各部分的编程要求。通过一系列的理论分析和仿真实验,达到利用单片机对水塔水位进行实时监测,并显示水位和自动控制的功能。 基于本论文中对各模块的基本要求,本系统采用STC89C52RC单片机为主控芯片,利用超声波传感器实时检测水位,并通过LCD1602显示。若水位超出设定的正常范围值,则单片机做出相应的处理,控制继电器驱动电机进行模拟控制操作,同时通过按键可进行水塔水位上下限的设置,以达到控制系统的设计目的。 关键词 STC89C52RC单片机,超声波传感器,LCD1602 ABSTRACT With the continuous improvement of living standards,the phenonment of the shortage of resources has highlighted.However,the water resources is an indispensable part of people’s daily life and production.The lack of water resources will bring inconvenient to people’s life.The tower water can solve this problem,and make people save and utilize water resources. In order to detect and control water level,this paper mainly discuss water tower’s water level control system,an intelligent system which can be used to control water level .The system uses STC89C52RC as the core, through the part of the design of hardware and software to meet the needs of real-time monitoring.Hardware part includes the mode of liquid level detecting , the mode of the central processing, and the mode of displaying ,and so on.Besides software part is mainly based on the system design thought draw a flow chart of main program and subroutines, and in order to realize the programming of each part,the keil uVision4 for C language programming is been used.According to theory analysis and simulation show,the system can use STC89C52RC to control water tower’s water


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