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班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师:
开课时间: 2015 至 2016 学年第 1 学期
PID控制是工业工程中应用最为广泛,最有效率的控制理论,从它的出现到现在已经经历了很长的时间, 今天它依然在工业控制中占有不可替代的地位, 相信在以后的很长一段时间 PID控制还会有很强的生命力。现代工业的高速发展使原始,单一的控制技术已经很难适应现代控制的要求,将新型的控制理论,与传统的 PID 控制技术相结合在未来的控制领域内会有广阔的前景 。
针对目前自动称重配料系统中采用传统 PID控制的不足、系统误差不稳定、动态特性不理想,提出了一种基于模糊 PID控制的算法。 将模糊控制与传统的 PID控制技术结合起来,共同应用于实际系统的调节当中。 系统采用可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC)实现模糊 PID双模控制,大大加快了系统的响应速度, PLC模拟输出控制变频器调节皮带电机转速,从而达到控制物料流量的目的。 经过实际系统的仿真试验,系统控制性能良好,有效解决了系统运行中误差不稳定和动态特性不理想的问题。
关键词:模糊 PID;控制算法;变频调速;自动配料系统
PID control is the most widely applied in industrial engineering, the most efficient control theory, from its emergence to now has experienced a very long time, today it still occupies an irreplaceable position in the industry control, believe in the future for a long time of PID control will also have the very strong vitality. With the rapid development of modern industry makes original, single control technology has been difficult to adapt to the requirement of modern control, the new type of control theory, combined with the traditional PID control technology in the future will have broad prospect of control field.
In view of the present automatic weighing ingredients for the system’ s lack of traditional PID control,instability often system error, the dynamic characteristics were not ideal. A fuzzy PID control algorithm was pro- posed. Fuzzy control and conventional PID control combined together were used in the regulation of the actual system.
System used PLC to achieve dual-mode fuzzy PID control, greatly speeding up the system response speed, PLC analog output adjustment belt drive motor speed control to achieve control of material flow purposes. After a system simula- tion test, the system had good dynamic and static performance, to meet the requirements of actual control. Effectively solved the problem of the system operation error instability and dynamic characteristics was not ideal.
Key words: fuzzy PID; control algorithm; variable frequen
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