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长 沙 学 院 CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY 毕业设计 设 计 题 目: 长沙学院教务处 二○一三年六月制   (20 14 届) 本科生毕业设计说明书 1800m3/d中成药废水处理工艺设计 系    部: 生物工程与环境科学系 专 业: 环境工程 学 生 姓 名: 周时利 班 级: 10级2班 学号2010053215 指导教师姓名: 李雪 职称 讲师 最终评定成绩: 2014年6月 摘 要 关键字:,, ABSTRACT Production of proprietary Chinese medicine extraction process, which produce large amounts of waste water, makes the development of proprietary Chinese medicine industry is in control. Chinese medicine wastewater has the characteristics of composition complex, variety, high concentration of organic pollutant, CODCr and BOD5 value high and volatile, High concentrations of NH3 - N, deep chromaticity, high toxicity, high concentration of suspended solid SS etc. This paper introduces the wastewater treatment process design. Apharmaceutical factory processing scale is 1800 m3 / d. By ABR + SBR process as the main body of the sewage treatment unit, and the technology of pretreatment equipment and main structure design and calculation of the sludge treatment equipment and equipment selection.The main structures include grille, adjusting pool, coagulation sedimentation tank, ABR pool, SBR pool, sludge concentration pool, etc. After dealing with water quality requirements to the Chinese medicine pharmaceutical industrial water pollutant discharge standard (GB21906-2008) emission concentration. Keywords: Proprietary Chinese medicine wastewater, ABR, SBR 目录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 第1章 总论 - 1 - 1.1 设计背景与意义 - 1 - 1.2 自然条件 - 1 - 1.2.1 地形地貌 - 1 - 1.2.2 气象资料 - 1 - 1.2.3 土壤地质资料 - 1 - 1.2.4 其他 - 1 - 1.3项目资料 - 1 - 1.3.1 设计规模 - 1 - 1.3.2 进出水水质 - 1 - 1.3.3 场地及其它 - 2 - 1.4 设计内容 - 2 - 1.5设计原则 - 2 - 1.6 设计依据 - 2 - 第2章 污水处理厂处理工艺选择 - 4 - 2.1 中成药废水处理可行方法 - 4 - 2.2处理方案的确定 - 4 - 2.2.1工艺方法特点 - 4 - 2.2.2工艺的选择 - 6 - 2.3工艺流程 - 7 - 2.3.1工艺流程图 - 7 - 2.3.2工艺流程说明 - 7 - 2.3.3 生化反应系统 - 8 - 2.4构筑物设计说明 - 10 - 2.4.1预处理部分 - 10 - 2.4.2主工艺部分 - 11 - 2.4.3污泥


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