世界级销售拜访培训教程02(ppt 80)(4.27MB).PPT

世界级销售拜访培训教程02(ppt 80)(4.27MB).PPT

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世界级销售拜访培训教程02(ppt 80)(4.27MB)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Purpose: POP Drivers (inc. Delegate benefits) To agree the POP drivers and to discuss how each can have a different impact on our products Context: Understanding the relative and differing importance each of the POP drivers has on Why It’s Important our products, helps us to focus on where we will put the emphasis with customers What It Follows From/Leads To What It Links To How To Do It … : 1. Ask the group to think about what the key things are which influence volume The key elements with customers. 2. Encourage them to think outside the areas over which they have some input / control, e.g. the weather, economy, competition, seasons, advertising, etc. as well as those areas where they are directly involved, i.e. range, space, promotions, etc. 3. Capture all of their responses on a flip chart - aim to get 20+ 4. From the flip chart tick and cross those areas where they have / don’t have input / control 5. All of the ticks should be POP drivers or directly related to a POP driver - you may get some discussion about some points but you should be able to relate them to POP drivers Key Messages (3-5): A. Key role of sales B. Although many things influence volume only a small number are under the direct control of sales Approx. Time / Logistics: Discussion : 20 minutes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 要点 来自 中国最大的资料库下载 * 研讨会练习 来自 中国最大的资料库下载 * 目标: 方法: 定时: 了解客户需要 了解每个客户的总体需求 两人小组15分钟活动 回到各组后进行5分钟汇报演示 分为4组 针对每类客户填写客户需求金字塔图,找出所有业务需求和个人需求: PCO(某一渠道) MCO(某一渠道) CVO(某一渠道) OEM(某一渠道) 来自 中国最大的资料库下载 * CVO车队的需求金字塔(参考) 策略性需求: (销量) (成本) 1、运输范围多,线路、网点的维护 2、固定的客源 3、服务质量(速度、安全、态度……) 4、宣传(行业杂志、媒体) 5、规模(车辆) 1、调度 2、配件价格 3、库存管理 4、供应商支持 5、安全管理(人、财产) 6、必要保险 7、保养流程 8、修理工素质 来自 中国最大的资料库下载 * 3C WORKSHOP的需求金字塔(参考) 策略性需求: (销量) (成本) 1、积分促销 2、增加LTT 3、争取多些礼品 4、争取更长信贷 5、争取供应商、广告支持 6、24小时服务 7、其他增值服务(代办保险、一条龙服务、年审、缴费) 8、增加客流量(定点维修客户、与保险公司挂钩) 9、客户管理(电话服务、积分计划、换油提醒) 1、提高技工技能 2、降低购货成本 3、合理化库存管理 4、员工入股 5、水、废油重利用 6、大桶换小


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