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RIG MANRIDING PROCEDURE 井队载人起升程序 1.0 Purpose This section of the procedure covers the requirements for a man-riding winch to lift personnel with man-riding basket. Personnel man-riding basket to be used in exceptional circumstances only, where no alternative means of carrying out the job at height available. 目标:这部分的程序是对载人绞车提升载人篮的要求,载人篮的使用仅限于特殊情况——没有其他途径在高空作业的情况下。 2.0 Authority All personnel lifting shall only be carried out using Permit to Work system. To support the issuance of the permit to work, the attached man-riding checklist and JHA shall be utilised for each man-riding operation. 管理:所有的载人起升工作都要签订工作许可。工作许可附带的载人设备检查清单和工作风险分析要求在每次载人起升工作中实施。 3.0 Objective These guidelines shall apply only to rig floor and substructure. 这些准则仅适用于钻台和井架底座的环境。 The man-riding winch used for lifting personnel are to be clearly marked “ONLY FOR MANRIDING”. With right SWL marked. 载人绞车要有清晰明确的标识注明“仅用于载人”并附有安全载荷标签。 Any winch that is not marked as above should not be used for lifting people 任何没有上述标识的绞车不得用于载人起升工作。 4.0 Responsibility The management, control and implementation of this procedure are line management responsibility. The rig manager shall appoint a competent person in charge (Toolpusher) for any personnel lifting. The crew appointed to carry out the lifting shall be fully competent for personnel lifting operations. A toolbox talk to be held prior to each lifting operation. This to ensure all crew understands the operation. At all time during lifting, the lifted personnel must wear the required PPE and connected their harnesses to the man-riding basket. 职责:此程序的管理、操控和设备都要划分管理职责,平台经理要指定一个有能力的人员(带班队长)负责载人起升作业。井队要选出有充分能力的人操控载人绞车。每次载人起升工作前要召开小型会议,这样能让井队所有人员清楚理解本次作业情况。在整个载人起升工作中被吊起的人员必须佩戴好所有必要的劳保用品,并且始终保持安全吊带连接到载人篮上。 5.0 Man-riding winch used for Lifting People 用来起吊人员的载人绞车。 The man-riding winch that is used for lifting personnel is to be clearly marked and displayed “ONLY FOR MAN RIDING”. It should also show the maximum number of people it can carry. If a personnel lifting operati


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