高中英语人教版备课资料包:必修3 Unit 2参考文章 Healthy Eating Diet .doc

高中英语人教版备课资料包:必修3 Unit 2参考文章 Healthy Eating Diet .doc

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高中英语人教版备课资料包:必修3 Unit 2参考文章 Healthy Eating Diet

Healthy Eating Diet A healthy eating diet has all the nutrients needed to be as active as you can, reduce fatigue and resist infections. A healthy diet for MS is low in total fat while including foods rich in essential fatty acids. If you imagine your foods for the day onto one big plate divided into sections according to type, the balance of good health shows the ideal proportions: The following applies if you are of a healthy weight or overweight. Fruit and vegetables Five portions a day. (One portion = an apple, or two plums or 2-3 tbsp of vegetables, or a small glass of fruit juice, etc) Take a wide variety. Taking supplements cannot mimic the positive effects of fruits and vegetables. As well as soluble fibre, which is beneficial for the bowels and in controlling blood cholesterol, fruit and vegetables are rich in antioxidant nutrients - vitamin C and flavenoids. The body produces highly reactive chemicals (free radicals), which can be quickly removed by antioxidants. Researchers have found oxidative stress in the blood of people with MS. As this occurs where cells are being damaged by excess free radicals, people with MS should eat plenty of antioxidant rich foods. Starchy carbohydrates (bread, cereals, potatoes, pasta, rice) A third of our days food should be from this energy-providing group. Choosing whole grain varieties provides fibre to reduce constipation. Fibre foods are rich in B vitamins - important for energy and for the nervous system. Protein foods (meat, fish and alternatives) Have two portions of protein foods a day. Choose lean meats, liver (up to 120g a week), fish, beans, quorn, etc. Oily fish includes mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchard, trout and salmon. Oily fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which make up more than 60% of the brain and nervous system. Omega 3s are good for the heart, are anti-inflammatory and help regulate the immune system. Although controlled trials showed a trend in benefiting people with MS, the results were not s


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