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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 中美双边贸易结构分析 学 生:梁晨 学 号指导教师:文争为 专 业:国际经济与贸易 重庆大学新闻学院 二O一三年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Analysis of Sino-US Bilateral Trade Structure Undergraduate: Liang Chen Supervisor: Prof. Wen zhengwei Major: the international economy and trade School of Public Affairs Chongqing University June 2013 摘 要 自2001年,中国加入世界贸易组织以来,中美之间的商品贸易就在不断上升,双边合作关系亦在不断加强。研究中美商品贸易的结构,找出其特征与产生特征的种种原因具有现实意义。在中美双边贸易中,双方的进出口数额都非常大,但是,中国却处于严重出超地位。一方面,中美之间的差额主要出现在SITC6、SITC7、SITC8三类商品上,这三类商品多属于劳动密集型产品。同时,中美之间的G-L指数相对较低,说明中美双边贸易术语产业间贸易,互补性强,这更加反映出两国在进出口贸易中所具有的不同的比较优势——中国属于“劳动充裕”国家,美国属于“资本充裕”国家。追根究底,中国与美国在经济内部的结构上存在巨大差异,中国主打劳动密集型产品,仍处于国际分工下游,美国主打资本密集型产品,属国际分工上游。中国应该着手对经济产业结构进行调整,发展自主品牌、核心技术,努力向上游进发。 关键词:中美,商品贸易,结构,特征 ABSTRACT Since 2001, Chinas accession to WTO, Sino-US trade in goods is increasingly rising and the relationship between the two countries is become more and more inseparable. It is very worthwhile and important to study the structure of Sino-US merchandise trade and to find the uncharacteristic and the reasons for the structure. In bilateral Sino-US merchandise trade, the two sides both have a very large amount of import and export, however, China is at a serious surplus position. On the one hand, the merchandise trade of differences between China and the United States are mainly in SITC6, SITC7, SITC8, which that the three commodities are mostly labor-intensive products. On the other hand, the G-L index of Sino-US merchandise trade is pretty small, indicating that the level of inter-industry trade in this bilateral trade is very low and the trade between the two country is highly complementary. It is obvious to find out that China and the United States has different comparative advantages——China is the abundant labor country, the United States is the well-capitalized country. China is good at manufacturing labor-intensive products, while the United States is pretty good at producing capital-intensive products. So, China is



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