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What You Need To Know About Ebola (October 18, 2014) 《你需要了解关于埃博拉的事情》(2014年10月18日) Today, I want to take a few minutes, to speak with - directly and clearly- about Ebola, 今天,what we’re doing about it, and what you need to know. 对它我们正在做着什么,以及你需要了解的事情。 Because meeting a public health challenge like this isn’t just a job for government. 因为应对一个像这样的公共卫生挑战,不仅仅是政府的工作。 All of us - citizens, leaders, the media, have a responsibility and a role to play. 我们所有的公民,领袖,媒体,都有责任,并且需要有自己的角色。 This is a serious disease, but we can’t give in to hysteria or fear, because that only makes it harder to get people the accurate information they need. 这是一个很严重的疾病,但我们不能在歇斯底里或者恐惧面前屈服,因为这样只能让人们获得他们所需要的准确信息更加困难。 We have to be guided by the science. We have to remember the basic facts. 我们必须遵循于科学。我们必须记住基本的事实。 First, what we’re seeing now is not an “outbreak” or an “epidemic” of Ebola in America. 首先,我们现在在美国见到的并不是埃博拉的爆发或者埃博拉疫情。 We’re a nation of more than 300 million people. 我们是一个有着超过3亿国民的国家。 To date, we’ve seen three cases of Ebola diagnosed here, the man who contracted the disease in Liberia, came here and sadly died, the two courageous nurses who were infected while they were treating him. 到现在为止,我们被诊断为感染埃博拉疾病的只有3例。一个在利比里亚感染了病毒,来到国内,不幸去世,两名勇敢的护士,在为他治疗时感染。 Our thoughts and our prayers are with them, and we’re doing everything we can to give them the best care possible. 我们的思念与祈祷和他们同在,我们正在做着我们可以做的任何事情来给予他们最好的治疗。 Now, even one infection is too many. 现在,即便一个人被感染也太多了。 At the same time, we have to keep this in perspective. 与此同时,我们必须客观地看待这个问题。 As our pubic health experts point out, every year thousands of Americans die from the flu. 正如我们的公共卫生专家所指出的那样,每年都有几千的国人死于流感。 Second, Ebola is actually a difficult disease to catch. 第二,埃博拉实际上是一个很难接触到的疾病。 It’s not transmitted through the air like the flu. 它并不像流感那样通过空气传播。 You cannot get it from just riding on a plane or a bus. 仅仅是乘飞机或者坐公交车,你不会被它感染。 The only way that a person can contract the disease is by coming into direct contact with the bodily fluids of somebody who is


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