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7 Ways That Everyone Should Invest Their Time 7招教你如何有效利用时间 And despite your best efforts, you cannot get any more. 并且,无论你怎样努力都无法得到更多的时间。 What are you doing with yours? 你是如何利用这些时间的呢? Do you waste it on meaningless pursuits? Or do you invest it on your future? 你是将时间浪费在去追求一些没有意义上事了,还是将时间投资到自己的未来上了? Wasting Your Time or Investing It? 如何利用时间?是应该挥霍还是应该利用其投资未来? Do you spend your time on activities that feel good in the moment, but have no true value? 你会将时间用于一些当时感觉良好,却没有任何价值的事情上么? Watching TV, eating junk food, endlessly surfing the internet, complaining or gossiping. 看电视、吃垃圾食品、没有止境的上网、抱怨或是讲别人的是非? None of these things have a positive return. In fact, you could argue that each of them is a poor investment of your limited time. 以上没有一件事会给予你正面的回报。事实上,你可以说以上提到的每一件事都是将你有限的时间投资在不值得的事情上了。 Instead of wasting your valuable time… invest it. 不要浪费你宝贵的时间,投资她。 Put it to use on actions that will pay you back in the future. 开始行动吧,在将来你会得到回报。 Invest it on things that will bring you true return. 将时间投资在一件可以再将来给予你真正回报的事上。 Invest it on things that improve you. 将时间投资在可以提升自己的事上。 Invest it in your future happiness and success. 将时间投资在未来的幸福和成功上。 Here are 7 Ways You Should Invest Your Time: 这里有7种方法,教你如何投资时间! 1. Planning – Spending time planning for your day or week can save you time and effort during the course of your activities. A few minutes now, can literally save hours later. 1.计划——为每天或是每个星期做个计划,这样在活动过程中可以节省你很多时间和努力。只需要在现在花几分钟的时间,可以在之后为你节省几个小时的时间。 2. Preparing – Beyond planning is actually preparing for your day. Instead of just being aware that you have a meeting or appointment, be prepared ahead of time. Review the pertinent information, prepare the agenda, and be ready to hit the ground running. 2. 准备——除了做计划外,还要为每天做准备。不要等到快开会或者要和某人见面时才意识到有这样一档子事,而是要提前为这些事做准备。回顾一下相关信息,为议程做好准备,积极的为自己做好准备工作。 3.Practicing – You get better at what you practice. Whether it is sports or the trade craft of your job, the more you practice, the better you get. Steve Jobs was known to spend weeks preparing for his keynote


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