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健全社会保障体系研究 摘要 社会保障是一个国家最重要的社会经济制度之一,是体现社会进步与社会文明的重要标志。健全与经济社会发展水平相适应的社会保障体系,是实现社会稳定和国家长治久安的重要保证。目前,我国正处于社会主义初级阶段的快速发展时期,我们党清晰的政治目标及其对社会保障的定位,决定了健全有中国特色的社会保障体系已经成为国家发展的重要目标指向。然而,影响我国社会保障事业发展的因素还有很多,法制问题的不健全、资金筹集渠道的单一化等问题仍然存在,这些问题相互交织,使我国面临的形势异常严峻、情况十分复杂。正是在这样的背景下,如果没有健全的社会保障体系,没有与我国经济社会发展相适应的社会保障制度,就不可能有经济的发展和社会的稳定。 本文的研究主要分为三个部分,首先对于社会保障的相关概念进行界定,为本文的研究打下基础,之后通过对社会保障体系的发展的历程及现状进行深入分析,发现我国社会保障体系在发展和完善过程中取得的成就和存在的问题,最后在以上分析的基础上提出健全我国社会保障体系的建议:最大限度的发挥政府在社会保障体系建设中的职能作用;充分调动非营利性组织参与社会保障的积极性;发展以社会保险制度为主,商业保险为辅的社会保障体系;拓宽社会保障基金的筹措渠道,建立有效的资金管理及监督模式。 Study on Establishing and Perfecting Chinese Social Security System Abstract Social security is one of the most important socioeconomic systems of modern countries and is the important symbol of social progress and social civilization. Construction of sound social security system adaptive to socioeconomic development level is the important guarantee of social stability and long-term peace and order of country. At present China is in the rapid development period of preliminary stage of socialism. C.P.C. decided to establish a perfect system about social safeguard with Chinese characteristics. However, there are many factors affect the development of our countrys social security, such as the legal system is not perfect and the single channel of fund raising are still exist, these makes China face the extremely severe and complex situation. Under such a background if there is no sound social security system adaptive to socioeconomic development of China, it will be impossible to have the long-term economic development and social harmony and stability. The main body of this thesis can be divided into six chapters. This study is divided into three parts, First of all, this paper define some concepts related to the social security, which lay the foundation to the later research of this paper; and then through the analyze to the history and current situation of the development, we found the achievements and the existing problems in


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