农村产业结构调整应用研究 正文.docVIP

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农村产业结构调整研究 摘 要 近些年以来,我国粮食出现“相对过剩”的矛盾,并且矛盾在日益加剧。所以对农民而言,增收受到了非常严峻的挑战,必须要进行产业结构的调整。对农村产业结构进行调整是时代的需求,也是农民维护自身利益的要求。大力推进农村产业结构的调整,是加快农村经济发展,促进城乡融合的关键所在。经过多年努力对农村的产业结构进行调整,但是现在农民们似乎还没有摆脱困境。所以,制定合理的调整原则与措施,促进农村产业结构升级,从而加快农村经济发展、退动我国城镇化建设,有着非常重大的意义。对于这些,我们应该制定相适应的对策: (1)政府带头投入人才、技术与资金、,大力发展地区的优势,(2)要把握西部大开发的机遇,争取多方的支持,(3)提高农产品的质量,尽量的争取较高的收购价格,(4)进行产业化经营,(5)协调农村的产业发展,把三农问题解决好。 关键词:农村产业结构;农村经济;经济发展;三大产业 Study on the adjustment of rural industrial structure adjustment Abstract In recent years, our country grain appeared contradiction of relative surplus, and the contradiction in the growing. So the farmer, income is a very difficult challenge, must carry on the adjustment of industrial structure. To adjust the industrial structure in rural areas is the needs of the times, but also farmers need to protect their interests. Vigorously promote the adjustment of rural industrial structure, speeds up the rural economic development, the key to promote integration of urban and rural areas. After years of efforts to adjust the industrial structure in rural areas, but now the farmers did not seem to be out of trouble.So, make adjustment principle and reasonable measures, promote the upgrading of industrial structure in rural areas, so as to accelerate the development of the rural economy, back the urbanization in our country, it is of great significance. For these, we should formulate adapt countermeasures: (1) the government to take the lead in talent, technology and capital,, vigorously develop the regional advantages, (2) to grasp the opportunity of western development, strive for the support, (3) improve the quality of agricultural products, try to get a higher purchase price, (4) for industrial operations, (5) coordination of rural industry development, the three rural problems. Key word :the industrial structure in rural areas ; rural economy ; economic development ; three major industries 目 录 前言 1 一、 农村产业结构调整简介 1 (一) 农村产业结构调整的定义 1 (二) 农村产业结构调整的内涵 1 二、我国农业产业结构存在的问题 2 (一)经营规模小


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